Robotaisen new anime!!!

Discussion in 'Anime and Comics' started by tm1, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. tm1

    tm1 New Member

    Super Robot Wars TaisenOG: The Inspector Info:

    [​IMG]Plot Summary:Six months after the conclusion of the L5 Campaign and the DC War, the crews of the PT carriers, Hagane and Hiryuu Custom have gone their separate ways. They are not far apart for long, however, as the remnants of the DC soon begin to push against the Federation Forces with newly acquired resources. A mysterious organization, the Shadow Mirror, has begun to arm them with weapons and robots that should not exist. Compounding matters, inter-dimensional entities known as Einsts begin to appear around the World and seem to share a psychic connection with ATX pilots, Kyosuke Nanbu and Excellen Browning. Even worse, aliens calling themselves, The Inspectors, have arrived from outer space with plans to retake the White Star and finish the job the Aerogators could not. As this new, four sided war begins, Lamia Loveless, a Shadow Mirror operative sent to spy on the Federation Forces must choose between her orders and her new found friends among the Hagane and Hiryuu crews.

    This is a really interesting anime.I played all the video game version which were awesome.Its like a gundam advance wars .Anyways check it out.
  2. TaC_Up

    TaC_Up New Member

    Man I just watched the first episode of this and I must say, I didn't like this anime at all. I was interested until the intro started and it all went down hill from there for me. I'll just break down my thoughts on this.

    For starters I'll just say the animation quality is good, the CGI however is lower quality than the anime itself and looks extremely out of place when used. The combat scenes look pretty good however they all too often get confusing with all sorts of random stuff happening everywhere.

    Now I'll move on to the story. So far I honestly have no idea what's going on and who's who. I don't know which people are supposed to be the invaders and I don't have a clue what the characters are talking about 99% of the time. I can't really rate such a thing from one episode but they certainly didn't shed light on what the show was about. All I saw was some guy talking about an alien invasion, the ATX crew who is supposedly some famous group and some other humans(I think they are human because they look human) whose faction/roles/goals I'm not sure of. Let me just also say the two "special" mechs coming out of no where isn't helping this either.

    On to characters... and man this is where this anime falls flat, it maybe too early to call but so far these characters are simply uninteresting. The first "villian" looked to be interesting but his part in the first ep was cut short. The rest of characters consist of the typical anime cliches - the ditzy fan service girl, the serious guy, the nerdy/reserved guy etc etc. So far I'm completely uninterested but I give every anime 5 episodes to draw me in or I discard them.

    On to the voice acting... it goes from ok to down right awful. I think the fanservice pilot has to be one of the most annoying characters in anime history and her voice simply compounds that. The captain of the ship that's on the same team as the ATX group, is also horribly voiced, it just sounds so out of place on the character. Most of the other characters are fine so I won't complain too much about it, but it's funny how one or two characters can ruin something for me, not to mention I believe the fanservice girl is a main character. This will make her even more annoying, she will be this anime's orihime (from bleach) and I really dislike those type of characters, the difference is I believe she will have a ton more air time than orihime.

    Lastly, this is looks like it will turn out to be a anime with heavy fanservice.. that really bugs me, I find it unnecessary and unappealing and I hate when it's overused. I understand it's Japanese culture but this anime might be going overboard like high school of the dead (I can't say for sure but if the ending video is any indication I fully expect that will happen). Honestly I'll reserve my final judgement until I at least see 4 more episodes, but I'm not expecting much tbh.

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