:- Goomby's List of all hero stats, descriptions, mana costs etc.

Discussion in 'DotA Guides and Charts' started by archvile, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    List of all hero stats, descriptions, mana costs, spell cooldowns and aoes, Current versions: 6.38b and 1.20e

    edit: Had to remove all other edits because post lengths were becoming an issue. Anybody who points out errors in things, especially cooldowns and aoes, will still be near and dear to my heart though! [​IMG]


    Shendelzare Silkwood (Vengeful Spirit)

    Shendelzare was a Warden, betrayed and killed by Mortred who she trusted in. With her dying breath, she

    prayed to Elune to grant her a chance to avenge her death. Though her body died, her relentless spirit

    lived on. Her very presence is an example for her allies, while her enemies fear her determination. Using

    powers of the spirit world, she can blast her enemies with pure magical energy and reverse positions with


    Strength - 16 + 1.8 (454 base hp;1271 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 2.35
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.75 (195 base mana;741 final mana)
    Base attack - 34-48 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 90-104 (0.99 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.1 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.02 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.29 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.77
    Projectile speed - 1500
    Attack range - 400 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295

    Magic Missile

    A magic missile is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage. Stuns for 1.75 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 100 damage. (95 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 175 damage. (110 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 250 damage. (125 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 325 damage. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)


    Shendelzare lets loose a wicked cry, terrorizing nearby enemy units. Their armor and damage are reduced.

    Level 1 - Reduces base armor by 2 and damage by 5%. (40 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Reduces base armor by 3 and damage by 10%. (40 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Reduces base armor by 4 and damage by 15%. (40 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Reduces base armor by 5 and damage by 20%. (40 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Command Aura (passive)

    Increases nearby units damage.

    Level 1 - 12% damage.
    Level 2 - 20% damage.
    Level 3 - 28% damage.
    Level 4 - 36% damage.

    Nether Swap (ultimate)

    Instantaneously swaps positions with a target Hero.

    Level 1 - 600 range. (100 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 900 range. (150 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1200 range. (200 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Zeus (Lord of Olympia)

    Punished for assisting the Sentinel in their mortal struggle, Zeus was exiled by the Gods and stripped of

    much of his power. Even in his weakened form, his lightning attacks are nothing to trifle with. He has

    spells that damage both single and multiple units, making him a very specialized caster.

    Strength - 19 + 1.8 (511 base hp;1328 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.7
    Intelligence (primary) - 20 + 2.7 (260 base mana;1092 final mana)
    Base attack - 41-49 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.1 (11% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.81 mana per second
    Final attack - 105-113 (1.1 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 7.8 (31% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.11 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.36 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1100
    Attack range - 350 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295

    Arc Lightning

    Hurls a bolt of arcing energy that laces through many nearby enemy units.

    Level 1 - Arcs 5 times, deals 85 damage. (65 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Arcs 7 times, deals 100 damage. (72 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Arcs 9 times, deals 115 damage. (79 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Arcs 15 times, deals 130 damage. (86 mana cost;2 second cooldown)

    Lightning Bolt

    Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy.

    Level 1 - Deals 100 damage. (75 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 175 damage. (95 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 275 damage. (115 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 350 damage. (135 mana cost;6 second cooldown)

    Static Field (passive)

    Whenever Zeus casts a spell, he shocks all nearby enemy heroes for a percentage of their current hit points

    as damage.
    Affects an area of effect of 1000.

    Level 1 - Shocks for 5% of current hit points.
    Level 2 - Shocks for 7% of current hit points.
    Level 3 - Shocks for 9% of current hit points.
    Level 4 - Shocks for 11% of current hit points.

    Thundergod's Wrath (ultimate)

    Strikes down all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning.

    Level 1 - Deals 210 damage. (225 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 335 damage. (325 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 460 damage. (450 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Thundergod's Wrath under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    From: 210 / 335 / 460
    To: 335 / 460 / 570

    Aiushtha (Enchantress)

    Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her

    direct relation to him, she has borrowed much of his powers. This is demonstrated by her control over the

    shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the

    Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further

    her target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips

    ahead of them with surprising ease.

    Strength - 16 + 2.0 (454 base hp;1366 final hp)
    Agility - 19 + 1.8
    Intelligence (primary) - 16 + 2.8 (208 base mana;1079 final mana)
    Base attack - 37-47 (1.43 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.7 (9% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 104-114 (1.05 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 7.8 (31% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.17 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.33 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 550 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295


    Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target


    Level 1 - Deals 4% of the distance in damage. (40 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 8% of the distance in damage. (45 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 12% of the distance in damage. (50 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 16% of the distance in damage. (55 mana cost;0 second cooldown)


    Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha. If the unit cannot be converted, it will instead be slowed


    Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, 10% slow if unit cannot be converted. (65 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 25 second cooldown, 20% slow if unit cannot be converted. (65 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 20 second cooldown, 30% slow if unit cannot be converted. (65 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 15 second cooldown, 40% slow if unit cannot be converted. (65 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Nature's Attendants

    Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals


    Level 1 - 3 Wisps. (125 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 5 Wisps. (140 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 7 Wisps. (155 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 9 Wisps. (170 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Untouchable (passive;ultimate)

    Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack.

    Level 1 - 50% reduction.
    Level 2 - 70% reduction.
    Level 3 - 90% reduction.

    Morphling (Morphling)

    he Morphling, nature's magnum opus, the pinnacle of evolution, can force his liquid body to flow over

    opponents in a massive wave, forcibly moving himself as well as injuring his enemies. At a whim he may

    change the composition of his body, trading strength for agility and vice versa. Capable of manipulating

    his energy into either disable or damage based on his strongest attribute, the Morphling's most disturbing

    ability creates a literal clone of a chosen target, forcing them to face their own reflection as he crushes

    them in their confusion.

    Strength - 19 + 2.0 (511 base hp;1423 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 19 + 3.0
    Intelligence - 17 + 1.5 (221 base mana;689 final mana)
    Base attack - 34-43 (1.43 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.7 (13% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 106-115 (0.89 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 13 (43% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.25 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.13 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1300
    Attack range - 350 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 285


    Morphling dissolves into his components and surges forward, dealing damage to everything in his wake.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 175 damage. (155 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 250 damage. (160 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 325 damage. (165 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Adaptive Strike

    Blasts a target with magical energy, dealing damage or disabling the target based on the Morphling's

    dominant attribute between Agility and Strength.

    Level 1 - 30 + 1.4x Agility in damage or stuns the target 1.4 seconds and knocks back slightly. (100 mana

    cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 60 + 1.8x Agility in damage or stuns the target 1.8 seconds and knocks back slightly. (100 mana

    cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 90 + 2.2x Agility in damage or stuns the target 2.2 seconds and knocks back slightly. (100 mana

    cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 120 + 2.6x Agility in damage or stuns the target 2.6 seconds and knocks back slightly. (100 mana

    cost;20 second cooldown)


    The Morphling edits his physical being to fit the circumstances. He can, at will, lose some strength and

    gain agility, or vice versa. The process is reversable.

    Level 1 - 2 points per second. (20 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - 4 points per second. (20 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - 6 points per second. (20 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 4 - 8 points per second. (20 mana cost;no cooldown)

    Replicate (ultimate)

    The Morphling has the unique ability to replicate any target friendly or enemy hero. Although it only deals

    50% damage, the hero can morph into his replication, instantly taking its position.

    Level 1 - Lasts 30 seconds. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 45 seconds. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 60 seconds. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Rylai Crestfall (Crystal Maiden)

    Rylai trained in Winterspring for years under Raishali, the ancient troll frost mage. Wielding an

    impressive display of inhibiting magics and a powerful area of effect ultimate spell, Rylai is one of the

    most powerful casters enlisted by the Sentinel.

    Strength - 16 + 1.7 (454 base hp;1214 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.6
    Intelligence (primary) - 21 + 2.9 (273 base mana;1170 final mana)
    Base attack - 38-44 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.2 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 107-113 (1.1 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.7 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.93 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.61 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 280

    Frost Nova

    Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement speed and

    attack rate for 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - 50 target damage and 75 nova damage. (100 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 100 target damage and 100 nova damage. (130 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 125 target damage and 125 nova damage. (155 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 175 target damage and 125 nova damage. (185 mana cost;12 second cooldown)


    Freezes the target in a case of ice, prohibiting movement and attacking. Deals 70 damage per second.

    Level 1 - Lasts 1.5 seconds. (115 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds. (125 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 2.5 seconds. (140 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 3 seconds. (150 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Brilliance Aura (passive)

    Gives additional mana regeneration to nearby friendly units. 300 aoe.

    Level 1 - Adds 33% mana regeneration.
    Level 2 - Adds 67% mana regeneration.
    Level 3 - Adds 100% mana regeneration.
    Level 4 - Adds 133% mana regeneration.

    Freezing Field (ultimate)

    Causes many random icy explosions in an area surrounding Rylai. Lasts 3 seconds. 675 aoe.

    Level 1 - Each explosion deals 105 damage. (300 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Each explosion deals 170 damage. (400 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Each explosion deals 250 damage. (600 mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Freezing Field under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per nova
    From: 105 / 170 / 250
    To: 170 / 250 / 310

    Sven (Rogueknight)

    A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a

    Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and

    training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his

    blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's

    Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.7 (587 base hp;1803 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 2.2
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.3 (182 base mana;585 final mana)
    Base attack - 54-56 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 118-120 (1.01 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.7 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.86 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.81 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 125 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295

    Storm Bolt

    A magical hammer is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 200 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 250 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Great Cleave (passive)

    Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage.

    Level 1 - 10% damage is splashed.
    Level 2 - 20% damage is splashed.
    Level 3 - 30% damage is splashed.
    Level 4 - 40% damage is splashed.

    Toughness Aura (passive)

    Sven is here to pump you up! Boost armor of friendly units within an AoE of 300. Stacks with Devotion Aura.

    Level 1 - Increases base armor by 1.
    Level 2 - Increases base armor by 2.
    Level 3 - Increases base armor by 4.
    Level 4 - Increases base armor by 5.

    God's Strength (ultimate)

    Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - Adds 100% damage. (100 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Adds 125% damage. (150 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Adds 150% damage. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Slithice (Naga Siren)

    Slithice was always a vagabond among the Naga, roaming beyond the boundaries of the sea in search of new

    things. During her adventures she met and fell in love with a young Orc training to be a Blademaster.

    Though he was inexperienced he taught her many Orcish fighting tactics employed by seasoned warriors.

    During their courtship as she was learning how to make traps from a local raider, a swarm of Scourge came

    and invaded, her love was killed before her very eyes. She used her Naga magics to put the evil to sleep

    and fled, and now gives her all to the Sentinel, in the name of her love.

    Strength - 21 + 2.3 (549 base hp;1499 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 2.75
    Intelligence - 18 + 1.65 (234 base mana;702 final mana)
    Base attack - 51-53 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 6 (26% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.88 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 117-119 (0.91 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 15.4 (48% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.52 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.29 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 320

    Mirror Image

    Confuses the enemy by summoning copies of Slithice, which can deal damage. Images take triple damage.
    Lasts 30 seconds.

    Level 1 - Creates 1 illusion, deals 15% damage. (85 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Creates 2 illusions, deal 30% damage. (105 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Creates 3 illusions, deal 30% damage. (130 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Creates 3 illusions, deal 45% damage. (150 mana cost;60 second cooldown)


    Entraps an enemy unit in a net, rendering the unit unable to move.

    Level 1 - Lasts 2 seconds. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 3 seconds. (85 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 4 seconds. (95 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 5 seconds. (115 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Critical Strike (passive)

    Gives a chance to deal 1.5 times damage on an attack.

    Level 1 - 15% chance.
    Level 2 - 25% chance.
    Level 3 - 35% chance.
    Level 4 - 45% chance.

    Song of the Siren (ultimate)

    Slithice sings a tempting song. Enemy units near her are put to sleep.

    Level 1 - Lasts 6 seconds, 800 aoe. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 7 seconds, 1200 aoe. (275 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 8 seconds, 1600 aoe. (360 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Raigor Stonehoof (Earthshaker)

    Raigor joined the Sentinel to defend the World Tree, the source of all things natural in the world. An

    Earth adept, Raigor specializes in casting short-ranged spells that hit hard in an area. He also hits

    pretty hard with his totem.

    Strength (primary) - 22 + 2.5 (568 base hp;1708 final hp)
    Agility - 12 + 1.4
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.8 (208 base mana;767 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-56 (1.52 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.7 (13% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 106-116 (1.17 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 7.4 (30% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.71 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.36 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290


    Slams the ground with the Raigor's mighty totem, causing the ground of around 1600 range to crack in half

    in front of him, damaging opponents and leaving an impassible trail for 8 seconds.

    Level 1 - 125 damage, 1 second stun. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown;fissure 1600 range for 8 seconds)
    Level 2 - 175 damage, 1.25 second stun. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown;fissure 1600 range for 8 seconds)
    Level 3 - 225 damage, 1.5 second stun. (155 mana cost;15 second cooldown;fissure 1600 range for 8 seconds)
    Level 4 - 275 damage, 1.75 second stun. (170 mana cost;15 second cooldown;fissure 1600 range for 8 seconds)

    Enchant Totem

    Empowers the totem resting on Raigor's back, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.

    Level 1 - 50% increased damage. (50 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 100% increased damage. (50 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 150% increased damage. (50 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 200% increased damage. (50 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Aftershock (passive)

    The power of Raigor casting a spell causes the earth to shake below him, dealing additional damage and


    Level 1 - 25 damage, .3 second stun.
    Level 2 - 45 damage, .7 second stun.
    Level 3 - 75 damage, 1.2 second stun.
    Level 4 - 115 damage, 1.5 second stun.

    Echo Slam (ultimate)

    Raigor sends shockwaves shooting through the ground, dealing damage ricocheting to nearby targets for

    additional damage. 500 aoe.

    Level 1 - 200 initial damage, 35 echo damage. (145 mana cost;150 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 275 initial damage, 45 echo damage. (205 mana cost;130 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 350 initial damage, 65 echo damage. (265 mana cost;110 second cooldown)

    Rikimaru (Stealth Assassin)

    Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race.

    However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.

    Strength - 17 + 2.0 (473 base hp;1385 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 24 + 2.9
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.3 (182 base mana;585 final mana)
    Base attack - 48-52 (1.37 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 6.4 (27% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 117-121 (0.88 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 16.2 (49% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.2 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.81 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 125 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Smoke Screen

    Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels.
    Lasts 6 seconds.

    Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss. (80 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss. (85 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss. (90 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Blink Strike

    Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.
    Costs 50 mana.

    Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage. (50 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage. (50 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage. (50 mana cost;5 second cooldown)

    Backstab (passive)

    The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.

    Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.
    Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.
    Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.
    Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.

    Permanent Invisibility (passive;ultimate)

    Rikimaru becomes permanently invisible when not attacking.

    Level 1 - 3 second fade time.
    Level 2 - 2.25 second fade time.
    Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time.

    Syllabear (Lone Druid)

    Syllabear was spared a time of great strife due to the deeds of his people. Sensing their settlement's impending destruction they turned their child into a bear and sent him into the wild. Syllabear grew up strong and savage, like the bears that inhabited the forests of his home. Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear companions to aid him. Awakened into his elven heritage by Furion the Prophet, Syllabear has regained his true elven form, and brings the bestial

    spirit of the bear to the battlefield.

    Strength - 17 + 2.1 (473 base hp;1423 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 24 + 2.7
    Intelligence - 13 + 1.4 (169 base mana;598 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-50 (1.37 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.4 (12% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.53 mana per second
    Final attack - 110-114 (0.9 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.5 (40% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.25 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.85 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Base attack time (BAT) while in True Form - 1.6
    Base attack time (BAT) for Syllabear's Spirit Bear - 1.75/1.60/1.45/1.30 (level 1/2/3/4)
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 550 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305

    Summon Spirit Bear

    Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion. It randomly Entangles enemies that it attacks.

    Level 1 - 1400 hit points, Entangles 4% of the time. (75 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 1800 hit points, Entangles 8% of the time, gains Return. (75 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 2300 hit points, Entangles 12% of the time, and has Return and Demolish. (75 mana cost;180 second

    Level 4 - 2700 hit points, Entangles 16% of the time, has Return, Demolish, and a 33% Spell Damage

    Reduction, and can carry items. (75 mana cost;180 second cooldown)


    Syllabear can create an intense combative fury in either himself or his Spirit Bear Companion.
    Lasts 10 seconds.

    Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5%. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 10%. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15%. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 20%. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Synergy (passive)

    Increases the Lone Druid's synergy with his Spirit Bear and himself with each level.

    Spirit Bear - Adds 10 damage and 10 movement points.
    Rabid - Increases the duration by 10 seconds.
    True Form - Adds extra hit points.

    True Form (ultimate)

    Syllabear learns to morph himself into a brown bear. He can morph freely between human and bear form.
    Level 1 - 250 bonus health. (25 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 400 bonus health and has Battle Cry. (25 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 600 bonus health and has One. (25 mana cost)

    Battle Cry (level 2 and 3 ultimate sub-ability)

    Gives Lone Druid and his Spirit Bear companion 20 bonus damage and 2 bonus armor. Lasts 10 seconds. (50

    mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    One (level 3 ultimate sub-ability;activatable passive)

    Links Syllabear and his Spirit Bear companion together by the soul. Damage that they take is distributed

    equally between them. (80 mana cost)

    Lina Inverse (Slayer)

    Lina Inverse is a powerful sorceress who is famous for killing bandits (to take their loot) and slaying dragons (accidentally destroying the occasional city in the process). She is quite adept at shooting fireballs at her enemies, and has also mastered more powerful spells like the Dragon Slave and the Laguna Blade. Concerned primarily with acquiring gold and powerful weapons, Lina fights for the Sentinel in exchange for a promised reward should she help destroy the Frozen Throne.

    Strength - 18 + 1.5 (492 base hp;1176 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.5
    Intelligence (primary) - 19 + 3.2 (247 base mana;1235 final mana)
    Base attack - 37-55 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.2 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.77 mana per second
    Final attack - 113-131 (1.12 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.4 (27% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.87 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.81 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300

    Dragon Slave

    A wave of fire that ripples out from Lina Inverse, causing damage to land units in a line.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (90 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 170 damage. (105 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 230 damage. (125 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 280 damage. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Light Strike Array

    Summons a column of flames that damages and stuns enemies for 1.6 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 90 damage. (90 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 150 damage. (100 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 210 damage. (110 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 280 damage. (125 mana cost;10 second cooldown)


    Increases Lina's attack speed.

    Level 1 - 10% increase for 20 seconds. (60 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20% increase for 25 seconds. (60 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 30% increase for 30 seconds. (60 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 50% increase for 30 seconds. (60 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Laguna Blade (ultimate)

    Fires off a bolt of lightning at a single target, dealing critical damage.

    Level 1 - Deals 450 damage. (280 mana cost;150 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 675 damage. (420 mana cost;95 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 950 damage. (680 mana cost;55 second cooldown)

    Laguna Blade under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    From: 450 / 675 / 950
    To: 600 / 875 / 1250

    Mana cost
    From: 280 / 420 / 680
    To: 280 / 420 / 640

    Yurnero (Juggernaut)

    Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfil his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

    Strength - 17 + 1.9 (472 base hp;1328 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 20 + 2.85
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.4 (182 base mana;611 final mana)
    Base attack - 44-48 (1.42 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.8 (14% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 112-116 (0.9 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12.5 (42% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.11 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.89 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290

    Blade Fury

    Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage

    to nearby enemy units.
    Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 80 damage per second. (110 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second. (110 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 120 damage per second. (110 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 140 damage per second. (110 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Healing Ward

    Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units' life.
    Lasts 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - Heals 1% of hit points per second. (140 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Heals 2% of hit points per second. (140 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Heals 3% of hit points per second. (140 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Heals 4% of hit points per second. (140 mana cost;75 second cooldown)

    Blade Dance (passive)

    Yurnero's cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.

    Level 1 - 10% chance.
    Level 2 - 18% chance.
    Level 3 - 26% chance.
    Level 4 - 36% chance.

    Omnislash (ultimate)

    Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while


    Level 1 - Attacks 3 times. (200 mana cost;130 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Attacks 5 times. (275 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Attacks 8 times. (350 mana cost;110 second cooldown)

    Nortrom (Silencer)

    Hailing from the magical community of Quel'Thalas, Nortrom is one of the strongest Elven warriors defending the integrity of the lands. Mastering the ancient art of glaive-throwing, and combining it with the volatile nature of the Blood Elves' arcane magic, he is able to disrupt the magical energies in his enemies. By binding his magical powers to his glaive, he is able to cause damage beyond devastation, gaining intelligence from every kill. Concentrating all his energies, he can cause chaos within his

    enemies' magical pools, making them unable to cast spells. He is determined to fend off the Scourge and

    their demon magic until he has breathed his last.

    Strength - 17 + 1.7 (473 base hp;1233 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 2.1
    Intelligence (primary) - 21 + 2.5 (273 base mana;1053 final mana)
    Base attack - 39-61 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.2 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 99-121 (1.02 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.4 (33% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.96 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.25 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1000
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290

    Curse of the Silent

    Afflicts a target with the Curse of the Silent. The target will lose hp and mana per second until it casts

    a spell. Lasts 10 seconds.

    Level 1 - 10hp/5mana per second. (105 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20hp/10mana per second. (115 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 30hp/15mana per second. (125 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 40hp/20mana per second. (135 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Glaives of Wisdom

    Nortrom's Glaives are enchanted by his experience in magic. If he kills a hero, he will permanently steal 1

    intelligence from it.

    Level 1 - Deals 15% of your intelligence in bonus damage. (15 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 30% of your intelligence in bonus damage. (15 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 45% of your intelligence in bonus damage. (15 mana cost;1 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 60% of your intelligence in bonus damage. (15 mana cost;0 second cooldown)

    Last Word (passive)

    Causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell. Has a

    700 AOE.

    Level 1 - 1 second.
    Level 2 - 2 seconds.
    Level 3 - 3 seconds.
    Level 4 - 4 seconds.

    Global Silence (ultimate)

    Stops all enemies on the map from casting spells.

    Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. (250 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. (350 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds. (450 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Rooftrellan (Treant Protector)

    A treant of immense age and wisdom, Rooftrellen was merely a sapling during the invasion of the Burning Legion. Having grown powerful over thousands of years, Rooftrellen has lent his considerable might to the
    Sentinel cause. An omnipresent force in the forest, he is capable using his power over the forest to hide his allies. Rooftrellen is aided by the forest itself, providing him with a thick living armor of vines and entangling nearby foes in a deadly embrace, allowing Rooftrellen to pound his victims to dust with his massive gnarled limbs.

    Strength (primary) - 27 + 3.4 (663 base hp;2202 final hp)
    Agility - 10 + 1.0
    Intelligence - 17 + 1.8 (221 base mana;780 final mana)
    Base attack - 59-67 (1.55 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.4 (12% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 1.06 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 140-148 (1.27 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.8 (25% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.49 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.4 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Nature's Guise

    Changes a target friendly unit's appearance so that it blends in with the forest. It is invisible to

    enemies eyes, but it must remain near a tree, or the guise is lost.

    Level 1 - Lasts 15 seconds. (90 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 30 seconds. (80 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 45 seconds. (70 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 60 seconds. (60 mana cost;4 second cooldown)

    Eyes in the Forest

    Creates a spiritual link between Rooftrellen and a target tree, allowing Rooftrellen to see the tree's

    surrounding area at all times. Vision improves slightly per level.

    Level 1 - 300 second cooldown. (100 mana cost;300 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 225 second cooldown. (100 mana cost;225 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 150 second cooldown. (100 mana cost;150 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 75 second cooldown. (100 mana cost;75 second cooldown)

    Living Armor

    Magically creates an armor of vines around a friendly unit, protecting it from harm and healing wounds.

    Level 1 - Adds 2 armor and regenerates .75 hit points per second. (40 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Adds 4 armor and regenerates 1.5 hit points per second. (45 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Adds 7 armor and regenerates 2.25 hit points per second. (50 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Adds 10 armor and regenerates 3 hit points per second. (55 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Overgrowth (ultimate)

    Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking

    and deals 95 damage per second to each.

    Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. (200 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. (250 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds. (300 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Darchrow (Enigma)

    The result of a collapsed star entombed within a field of elemental magic, Darchrow is one of the most dangerous beings in existence, consuming hundreds of worlds into the void of his hate and hunger. Now serving the Sentinel for an unknown purpose, Darchrow turns his hatred upon the Undead Scourge, yet is not above using his own allies as portals for his own servants to come through. Capable of manipulating both void and shadow in combat, his greatest pleasure is to release the oblivion within him upon the world, creating an abyss that draws enemies ever closer to destruction.

    Strength - 17 + 2.1 (473 base hp;1423 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 1.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 20 + 3.4 (260 base mana;1313 final mana)
    Base attack - 42-48 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.81 mana per second
    Final attack - 123-129 (1.23 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 4.4 (20% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.25 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 4.05 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290


    Focuses Darchrow's hatred on a target, causing it to take damage over time and become repeatedly stunned.
    Lasts 2/4/4/6 seconds.

    Level 1 - 30 damage every 2 seconds. (110 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40 damage every 2 seconds. (130 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 65 damage every 2 seconds. (150 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 80 damage every 2 seconds. (160 mana cost;15 second cooldown)


    Splits a friendly creep into 3 malevolent aspects of itself, coming under your control. Lasts 30 seconds.

    Level 1 - Spawns 3 Lesser Eidolons. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Spawns 3 Eidolons. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Spawns 3 Greater Eidolons. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Spawns 3 Dire Eidolons. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Midnight Pulse

    Steeps an area in dark magic, causing all opponents who dare enter to take damage.
    Lasts 8 seconds.

    Level 1 - 3% max life lost per second. (135 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 4% max life lost per second. (150 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 5% max life lost per second. (165 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 6% max life lost per second. (180 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Black Hole (ultimate)

    Summons the powers from the darkest abyss, creating a vortex that sucks all nearby enemies closer, dealing

    damage. 400 aoe. Lasts 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - 30 damage at range, 60 damage close up. (200 mana cost;200 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 50 damage at range, 100 damage close up. (300 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 70 damage at range, 140 damage close up. (400 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Ezalor (Keeper of the Light)

    Ezalor was punished to the spirit realm for his traitorous role in the War of the Magi. The Sentinel offered him a corporeal form in exchange for his assistance in the battle against the Scourge. Wielding some impressive support magics, Ezalor fights the inglorious battles for the Sentinel.

    Strength - 16 + 1.8 (454 base hp;1271 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.6
    Intelligence (primary) - 22 + 2.8 (286 base mana;1157 final mana)
    Base attack - 38-54 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.89 mana per second
    Final attack - 105-121 (1.11 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.5 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.02 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.57 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed 305


    Channels a ball of positive energy, letting it build up 100 damage per second. When released, it damages

    all enemies in a line. The distance also improves with channeling time.

    Level 1 - Can be channeled for 2 seconds, maximum range is 500. (150 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Can be channeled for 3 seconds, maximum range is 600. (150 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Can be channeled for 4 seconds, maximum range is 700. (150 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Can be channeled for 5 seconds, maximum range is 800. (150 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Mana Leak

    Casts a powerful inhibiting magic on another unit. Should they cast a spell, a portion of their remaining

    mana leaks away.
    Lasts 22 seconds.

    Level 1 - 20% of their remaining mana leaks away. (50 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40% of their remaining mana leaks away. (50 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 60% of their remaining mana leaks away. (50 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 80% of their remaining mana leaks away. (50 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Chakra Magic

    Channels chakras through a friendly unit, creating a surge of mana. Increases hit point regeneration for 30


    Level 1 - Restores 75 mana, regenerates .15 hit points per second and gives 7% damage increase. (40 mana

    cost;19 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Restores 150 mana, regenerates .3 hit points per second and gives 14% damage increase. (80 mana

    cost;19 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Restores 225 mana, regenerates .45 hit points per second and gives 21% damage increase. (100 mana

    cost;19 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Restores 300 mana, regenerates .6 hit points per second and gives 28% damage increase (120 mana

    cost;19 second cooldown)

    Ignis Fatuus (ultimate)

    Summons the Spirit of Light to assist the Sentinel. Liberates deceased units as allies, can transport

    himself at will, and is difficult to hit.
    Lasts 90 seconds.

    Level 1 - Souls are easy to kill and deal little damage. (200 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Souls are decent fighters. (300 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Souls are liberated as tough, hardy fighters. (450 mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Ignis Fatuus under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Amount of Ignis Fatuus summoned
    From: 1 / 1 / 1
    To: 2 / 2 / 2

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
  2. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    Ulfsaar (Ursa Warrior)

    Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet

    spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the

    Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the

    furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the

    defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely

    quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

    Strength - 23 + 2.9 (587 base hp;1898 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 18 + 2.1
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.5 (208 base mana;676 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-49 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.5 (21% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 95-99 (1.01 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.7 (41% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.01 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.09 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 10000
    Attack range - 100 (ranged; tooltips incorrectly states melee)
    Movement speed - 310


    Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
    Lasts 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - 70 damage, 25% slow. (75 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 120 damage, 35% slow. (75 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 170 damage, 45% slow. (75 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 220 damage, 55% slow. (75 mana cost;7 second cooldown)


    Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target. Lasts 15 seconds or 5 attacks.

    Level 1 - 100% increased attack speed. (45 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 200% increased attack speed. (55 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 300% increased attack speed. (65 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 400% increased attack speed. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Fury Swipes (passive;orb effect)

    Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased damage.

    Level 1 - 6 bonus damage per attack.
    Level 2 - 12 bonus damage per attack.
    Level 3 - 18 bonus damage per attack.
    Level 4 - 24 bonus damage per attack.

    Orb effect.

    Enrage (ultimate)

    When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.

    Level 1 - 4% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage. (no mana cost;38 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 5% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage. (no mana cost;38 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 6% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage. (no mana cost;38 second cooldown)

    Aggron Stonebreaker (Ogre Magi)

    Champion of the Stoneblade ogres, Aggron is both one of the strongest and smartest Sentinel heroes. His

    damaging and supporting spells are unusually powerful, his specialty being casting his spells multiple

    times. Supporting the Sentinel to defend his own land, he is a valued support hero for the Sentinel.

    Strength - 22 + 3.2 (568 base hp;1822 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 1.55
    Intelligence (primary) - 17 + 1.9 (221 base mana;806 final mana)
    Base attack - 58-64 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4 (19% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 103-109 (1.13 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.2 (35% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.88 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.48 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295


    Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire. Deals intense damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 75 damage. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 125 damage. (85 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 175 damage. (95 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 275 damage. (105 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    note: Mana cost increases as Multi Cast level increases


    Drenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain,

    taking damage and move more slowly. Lasts 7.5 seconds.

    Level 1 - 10 damage/sec; 10% slow. (95 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20 damage/sec; 15% slow. (105 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 30 damage/sec; 20% slow. (115 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 40 damage/sec; 25% slow. (125 mana cost;12 second cooldown)


    Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed.
    Lasts 30 seconds.

    Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 6%. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 9% (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 12% (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 15% (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Multi Cast (passive;ultimate)

    Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a

    spell multiple times in one cast.

    Level 1 - Fire Blast: Cooldown reduced to 12 seconds, 20% chance to Double cast Fire Blast (30% to Triple

    cast if Scepter is equipped), mana cost of Fire Blast increased by 30
    Bloodlust: Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, 20% chance to Double cast Bloodlust (30% to Triple

    cast if Scepter is equipped)
    Ignite: AoE of spell is 150

    Level 2 - Fire Blast: Cooldown reduced to 9 seconds, 20% chance to Triple cast Fire Blast (30% to Quadruple

    cast if Scepter is equipped), mana cost of Fire Blast further increased by 50.
    Bloodlust: Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, 20% chance to Triple cast Bloodlust (30% to Quadruple

    cast if Scepter is equipped)
    Ignite: AoE of spell is 300

    Level 3 - Fire Blast: Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds, 20% chance to Quaruple cast Fire Blast (30% to cast 5

    times if Scepter is equipped), mana cost further increased by 30
    Bloodlust: Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, 20% chance to Quadruple cast Bloodlust (30% to cast 5

    times if Scepter is equipped)
    Ignite: AoE of spell is 450

    Multi Cast under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Chance to trigger multi cast
    From: 20% / 20% / 20%
    To: 30% / 30% / 30%

    Number of times cast on multi cast
    From: 2 / 3 / 4
    To: 3 / 4 / 5

    Boush (Tinker)

    Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology. These mechanical systems allow him to

    damage his enemies from a distance, while keeping himself relatively safe. He can also upgrade his systems

    to allow his weapons to fire quickly. A true demonstration of the power of knowledge.

    Strength - 17 + 2.0 (473 base hp;1385 final hp)
    Agility - 13 + 1.2
    Intelligence (primary) - 27 + 2.2 (351 base mana;1027 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-55 (1.5 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.8 (14% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 1.09 mana per second
    Final attack - 101-107 (1.21 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.8 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.2 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.17 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305


    Fires an intense beam of light at a target, dealing damage and blinding all enemies in 300 aoe for 18

    seconds, heroes for only 9 seconds. Deals precise damage.

    Level 1 - 80 damage, 10% miss. (95 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 160 damage, 15% miss. (110 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 240 damage, 20% miss. (120 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 320 damage, 25% miss. (145 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Heat Seeking Missile

    The Tinker fires a rocket at the nearest visible enemy hero. Range of 2500.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (120 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 175 damage. (140 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 250 damage, 2 targets. (160 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 325 damage, 2 targets. (180 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    March of the Machines

    Calls in hordes of robotic goblins to destroy your enemies in an area of 1200x1400. Lasts 6 seconds.

    Level 1 - 16 damage/goblin. (145 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 24 damage/goblin. (150 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 32 damage/goblin. (165 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 40 damage/goblin. (190 mana cost;35 second cooldown)

    Rearm (ultimate)

    Instantly reloads the Tinker's weapons.

    Level 1 - 3 seconds to rearm. (150 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 2 seconds to rearm. (250 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1 seconds to rearm. (350 mana cost;1 second cooldown)

    Furion (Prophet)

    A beyond-mortal representative of the Night Elves, the Prophet is a uniquely styled fighter. He uses the

    power of nature to damage and inhibit his enemies. His ability to teleport anywhere on the battlefield

    gives him unique tactical advantages.

    Strength - 17 + 1.8 (473 base hp;1290 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.5
    Intelligence (primary) - 21 + 2.9 (273 base mana;1170 final mana)
    Base attack - 39-53 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base Armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 108-122 (1.13 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.2 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.04 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.61 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1125
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300


    Sprouts a ring of trees around an enemy unit, trapping it in place.

    Level 1 - Lasts for 3 seconds. (115 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts for 3.75 seconds. (140 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts for 4.5 seconds. (165 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts for 5.25 seconds. (205 mana cost;12 second cooldown)


    Teleports to any explored point on the map.

    Level 1 - 60 second cooldown. (50 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 50 second cooldown. (45 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 40 second cooldown. (40 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 30 second cooldown. (35 mana cost)

    Force of Nature

    Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have 550 hit points and deal 21-23 damage.

    Level 1 - Raises 2 Treants for 60 seconds. (160 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Raises 3 Treants for 60 seconds. (160 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Raises 4 Treants for 60 seconds. (160 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Raises 5 Treants for 60 seconds. (160 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Wrath of Nature (ultimate)

    Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first

    adds 7% damage.

    Level 1 - Deals 140 base damage. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 180 base damage, hits a few extra targets. (380 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 225 base damage. (610 mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Wrath of Nature under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Primary target damage
    From: 140 / 180 / 225
    To: 155 / 210 / 275

    edit: This is now section 2 of the Sentinel list.

    Azwraith (Phantom Lancer)

    While his race, background, and motives are uncertain, his abilities with illusion and deception are

    unquestioned. He confuses the enemy by summoning or creating copies of himself, and sometimes disappearing.

    He's mysterious, tricky, and crafty.

    Strength - 18 + 1.5 (492 base hp;1176 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 23 + 2.8
    Intelligence - 21 + 2.0 (273 base mana;897 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-67 (1.38 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 112-134 (0.89 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12.8 (43% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.87 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.77 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290

    Spirit Lance

    Throws a magical lance at a target, slicing it and slowing it down for 3 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 110 damage and Cripples for 10%. (140 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 150 damage and Cripples for 20%. (140 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 215 damage and Cripples for 30%. (140 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 310 damage and Cripples for 40%. (140 mana cost;9 second cooldown)


    Allows the Phantom Lancer to become invisible for a period of time, leaving behind a duplicate of himself

    to confuse enemies. 10% movement bonus at all levels.
    Lasts 12 seconds.

    Level 1 - 150 mana. 30 sec cd. (150 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 120 mana. 25 sec cd. (120 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 90 mana. 20 sec cd. (90 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 60 mana. 15 sec cd. (60 mana cost)

    Juxtapose (passive)

    Whenever the Phantom Lancer attacks he will randomly create a duplicate of himself. Limit of 8 images.
    Duplicates last 15 seconds.

    Level 1 - 3% chance.
    Level 2 - 6% chance.
    Level 3 - 9% chance.
    Level 4 - 12% chance.

    Phantom Edge (passive;ultimate)

    Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose's

    image generation. Additionally, it enables his images to generate their own images.

    Level 1 - 5% evade, 3% chance illusions will duplicate, 2% increase in Juxtapose.
    Level 2 - 10% evade, 5% chance illusions will duplicate, 4% increase in Juxtapose.
    Level 3 - 15% evade, 7% chance illusions will duplicate, 6% increase in Juxtapose.

    Tiny (Stone Giant)

    Looming from the rocky crags of Ashenra, the stone giants are born from the mountain itself. Tiny, a newly

    born giant, although small in size, has the strength of a hill. With his supreme strength, he is able to

    launch anything into the air, including huge amounts of soil to cause avalanches around his enemies.

    Because of his craggy exterior, enemies have a hard time attacking him. Over time, Tiny's body will grow

    bigger as the magnetic forces deep inside his granite heart pull rocks and soil to his rugged stone form.

    Strength (primary) - 24 + 3.0 (606 base hp;1974 final hp)
    Agility - 9 + 0.9
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.6 (182 base mana;676 final mana)
    Base attack - 61-67 (1.56 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 0.2 (1% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.97 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 133-139 (1.31 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.13 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.09 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 285


    Send 4 to 5 piles of rocks on an area of 200 AoE to stun and damage enemy land units. Each pile of rock

    stuns around 0.25 second, and the whole process lasts around 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (120 mana cost;18 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 180 damage. (120 mana cost;18 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 260 damage. (120 mana cost;18 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage. (120 mana cost;18 second cooldown)


    Tiny grabs the nearest unit, friend or foe, and launches them at a location. Upon landing, the unit deals

    damage in an area as well as receiving 20% of that damage to themselves (this damage increases as your size

    increases). Cannot toss Elder Form DK.

    Level 1 - 500 range, 75 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 700 range, 150 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 900 range, 225 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 1100 range, 300 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)

    Craggy Exterior (passive)

    Tiny's body is made of solid granite, causing great pain to those who attack it. Whenever a melee unit

    attacks Tiny, there is a chance that they will be stunned for 1.2 seconds.

    Level 1 - 6% chance, 25 stun damage.
    Level 2 - 12% chance, 35 stun damage.
    Level 3 - 18% chance, 45 stun damage.
    Level 4 - 24% chance, 55 stun damage.

    Grow (ultimate;passive)

    Greatly increases Tiny's power and size, but does so at the cost of his attack speed. Improves toss damage

    and slightly increases move speed.

    Level 1 - 40 bonus damage, 5 bonus movespeed, 20% reduced attack speed.
    Level 2 - 80 bonus damage, 10 bonus movespeed, 35% reduced attack speed.
    Level 3 - 120 bonus damage, 15 bonus movespeed, 50% reduced attack speed.

    Squee and Spleen (Goblin Techies)

    Devilishly clever, the goblin techies, despite their small physical presence, are a force to be reckoned

    with. In line with their goblin brethren, the techies have the skill of laying mines in the earth,

    invisible to the naked eye. Also, after extensive training with the Orcish voodoo priests of Kalimdor, the

    Techies are adept at laying paralysis-inducing traps along with their potent explosives. Wary be the foe

    who takes these three lightly.

    Strength - 17 + 2.0 (473 base hp;1385 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 1.3
    Intelligence (primary) - 22 + 2.9 (286 base mana;1183 final mana)
    Base attack - 24-26 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1 (5% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.9 mana per second
    Final attack - 93-95 (1.17 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.4 (24% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.2 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.66 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 650 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 270

    Land Mines

    Plants an invisible mine that explodes when an enemy nears. The explosion deals less damage if the target

    is farther away. You may only have 15 mines placed at a time. Floating Heroes do not trigger this.

    Level 1 - Deals 300 damage within 200 aoe, 150 damage within 500 aoe. (125 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 400 damage within 200 aoe, 200 damage within 500 aoe. (150 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 500 damage within 200 aoe, 250 damage within 500 aoe. (175 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 600 damage within 200 aoe, 300 damage within 500 aoe. (205 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Stasis Trap

    Plants an invisible Stasis Trap that stuns enemies within 300 AOE when detonated. Two actions are required

    to trigger the trap. First, at least one enemy has to physically walk past the trap. After someone has

    walked past the trap, at least one enemy (does not necessarily have to be the same one) has to be

    physically within the range of the trap for 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - Ward lasts 4.5 minutes and stuns for 3 seconds. (80 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Ward lasts 5 minutes and stuns for 4 seconds. (110 mana cost;16 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Ward lasts 5.5 minutes and stuns for 5 seconds. (140 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Ward lasts 6 minutes and stuns for 6 seconds. (160 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Suicide Squad, Attack!

    Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Deals massive area of effect damage. If you die and kill some

    units, you will earn gold, but not the experience. If the enemies are within 200 AoE when you suicide,

    they'll receive full damage, if they're within 200- 500 AoE, they'll receive reduced damage. Do not damage


    Level 1 - Deals 650/350 damage. (100 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 850/400 damage. (125 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 1150/450 damage. (150 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 1550/500 damage. (175 mana cost;75 second cooldown)

    Remote Mines (ultimate)

    Plants an invisible mine that will only activate when triggered. Doesn't damage buildings. Lasts 8 minutes.

    Level 1 - Deals 300 damage when activated, 425 aoe. (200 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 450 damage when activated, 435 aoe. (240 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 600 damage when activated, 450 aoe. (300 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Chen (Holy Knight)

    Following Hextar, the God of War and Light, Chen is a stalwart defender of the Sentinel. With savage

    damaging and inhibiting moves and the ability to support his allies, Chen is the avatar of Hextar.

    Strength - 20 + 1.5 (530 base hp;1214 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 2.1
    Intelligence (primary) - 21 + 2.8 (273 base mana;1144 final mana)
    Base attack - 43-53 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.85 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 110-120 (1.03 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.2 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.93 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.53 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1100
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300


    Forces a unit to accept punishment for its sins, causing it to move slower and accept more damage from

    attacks and spells.
    Lasts 7 seconds.

    Level 1 - 8% movement speed reduction, and 7% increased damage taken. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 16% movement speed reduction, and 14% increased damage taken. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 24% movement speed reduction, and 21% increased damage taken. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 32% movement speed reduction, and 28% increased damage taken. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Test of Faith

    If cast on enemy, will deal variable damage based on the unit's faith. If cast on allied Hero, it will

    teleport the hero to safety. Instantly teleports Chen's persuaded units to safety.

    Level 1 - 50-100 Damage to foes, 6 second casting time for allies. (175 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 100-200 Damage to foes, 5 second casting time for allies. (175 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 150-300 Damage to foes, 4 second casting time for allies. (175 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 200-400 Damage to foes, 3 second casting time for allies. (175 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Holy Persuasion

    Takes control of a target enemy unit.

    Level 1 - 1 Unit Max. 75 HP Bonus. (100 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 1 Unit Max. 150 HP Bonus. (100 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 2 Unit Max. 225 HP Bonus. (100 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 3 Unit Max. 300 HP Bonus. (100 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Hand of God (ultimate)

    Fully regenerates your converted creeps. Heals all allied heroes on the map.

    Level 1 - 200 HP Healed. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 300 HP Healed. (300 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 400 HP Healed. (400 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Rexxar (Beastmaster)

    A wandering vagrant of the Mok'nathal, the fabled half orc-half ogres of legend, Rexxar and his mighty

    blades have joined the cause of the Sentinel to better protect the natural world around him. A friend of

    beasts, Rexxar flails and tears at his enemies with unsettling savagery, even going as far as hurling his

    axes in the manner of boomerangs at his enemies to better his chances at victory. Truly a warrior of the

    living planet that thrives around him, the Beastmaster is an ally to be counted on when he is needed the


    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.2 (587 base hp;1575 final hp)
    Agility - 18 + 1.6
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.9 (208 base mana;793 final mana)
    Base attack - 56-60 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.5 (13% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 108-112 (1.09 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.5 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.44 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 310

    Wild Axes

    Rexxar hurls his two axes to as far as 1300 range from him, which then intersect and return to him. Each

    axe can only damage a unit once.

    Level 1 - Each axe deals 90 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Each axe deals 120 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Each axe deals 150 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Each axe deals 180 damage. (120 mana cost;13 second cooldown)

    Call of the Wild

    Rexxar calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number of beasts increases per level.

    Previous summons are removed upon casting.

    Level 1 - Summons a Scout Hawk. (25 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons a Scout Hawk and a Quilbeast. (25 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons a Greater Hawk and a Quilbeast. (25 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Summons a Greater Hawk and a Greater Quilbeast. (25 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Beast Rage (passive)

    When Rexxar engages an opponent, his animalistic nature grants him even greater proficiency in single

    combat. With each continuous blow on the same target, Rexxar gains understanding of the prey's defenses,

    and guides each strike with greater ease than the last. Maximum of 100% increased attack speed. If Rexxar

    changes targets, his rage counter drops to half of where it was.

    Level 1 - Every continuous attacks gives Rexxar 5% bonus attack speed.
    Level 2 - Every continuous attacks gives Rexxar 10% bonus attack speed.
    Level 3 - Every continuous attacks gives Rexxar 15% bonus attack speed.
    Level 4 - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 20% bonus attack speed.

    Primal Roar (ultimate)

    The Beastmaster looses a deafening roar which deals damage and stuns its target. Enemy units near the roar

    wave take minor damage and have their movement speed and attack rate reduced. Due to the force of the roar,

    all units between the Beastmaster and his prey are shoved aside, creating an open path.

    Level 1 - 200 primary damage, 3 second stun. 100 side damage, 2 second slow. (150 mana cost;60 second

    Level 2 - 250 primary damage, 3.5 second stun. 200 side damage, 3 second slow. (175 mana cost;60 second

    Level 3 - 300 primary damage, 4 second stun. 300 side damage, 4 second slow. (200 mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Jakiro (Twin Head Dragon)

    Originally found gnawing at the roots of the World Tree during an excavation, this magnificent Chimaera's

    age is impossible to determine. With his large snapping heads and aggressive, unpredictable behavior,

    Jakiro is an intimidating creature to say the least, yet is loyal to the Sentinel for reasons all his own.

    Due to his mystical nature, he has a strange affinity with the elemental forces of ice and fire. This

    allows him to devastate all in his path, and he is more than capable of keeping his opponents in his line

    of fury. The Scourge would do best to be wary of this dragon, lest they all freeze and shatter as their

    precious Frozen Throne melts before their eyes.

    Strength - 24 + 2.3 (606 base hp;1651 final hp)
    Agility - 10 + 1.2
    Intelligence (primary) - 28 + 2.8 (364 base;1235 final hp)
    Base attack - 52-64 (1.55 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 0.4 (2% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.97 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 1.13 mana per second
    Final attack - 119-131 (1.23 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 4.4 (20% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.62 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.81 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 400 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305

    Dual Breath

    Jakiro's twin heads let loose an icy blast followed closely by a wave of fire, each dealing initial damage.

    Enemy units are both slowed and dealt fire damage per second for 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - 35 damage per breath, 5 fire damage per second. (135 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 70 damage per breath, 10 fire damage per second. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 105 damage per breath, 15 fire damage per second. (155 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 140 damage per breath, 20 fire damage per second. (170 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Ice Path

    Creates a path of ice in front of Jakiro. After 0.5 second, the path explodes and freezes nearby enemy


    Level 1 - Freeze for 0.5 seconds. (75 mana cost;16 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Freeze for 1 second. (75 mana cost;16 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Freeze for 1.5 seconds. (75 mana cost;16 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Freeze for 2 seconds. (75 mana cost;16 second cooldown)

    Auto Fire (passive)

    While one of Jakiro's heads attacks enemies, his other head occasionally spits a fireball at a nearby enemy

    in front of him, causing fire damage per second in the target area. Can trigger a maximum of once every

    second. Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - 25% chance to spit a fireball that deals 10 damage per second.
    Level 2 - 30% chance to spit a fireball that deals 20 damage per second.
    Level 3 - 35% chance to spit a fireball that deals 30 damage per second.
    Level 4 - 40% chance to spit a fireball that deals 40 damage per second.

    Macropyre (ultimate)

    Jakiro unleashes a line of pulsing flame strikes in front of him. Each flame strike deals damage per second

    for 5 seconds, and has a 200 AOE radius. Distance increases per level.

    Level 1 - 75 damage per second. (220 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 125 damage per second. (330 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 175 damage per second. (440 mana cost;90 second cooldown)

    Razzil Darkbrew (Alchemist)

    An elite alchemist of the highest caliber, Razzil was employed by the Sentinel to develop new experimental

    chemical weapons against the Scourge. When in battle himself, he rides a large ogre mount that serves as a

    test subject for his various chemical enhancements, turning an already formidable opponent into a monster

    of the most dangerous sort.

    Strength (primary) - 25 + 2.4 (625 base hp;1708 final hp)
    Agility - 11 + 1.2
    Intelligence - 17 + 1.5 (221 base mana;689 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-58 (1.53 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.5 (13% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 1.0 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 106-115 (1.22 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.5 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.71 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.13 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290

    Acid Spray

    Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Hostile units who step across the contaminated terrain take

    physical damage per second and have their armor reduced. Lasts 12 seconds.

    Level 1 - 8 damage per second, reduces armor by 3. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 16 damage per second, reduces armor by 4. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 24 damage per second, reduces armor by 5. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 32 damage per second, reduces armor by 6. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)

    Unstable Concoction

    Taking a few moments to shake up some chemical vials, the Alchemist lobs one at the target, stunning it

    based on how long he shook it up.

    Level 1 - Up to 2 seconds channel. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Up to 3 seconds channel. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Up to 4 seconds channel. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Up to 5 seconds channel. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Goblin's Greed (passive)

    The Goblin converts the creep's corpse into gold. You get more gold for every extra creep you killed in the

    last 20 seconds. Gives 2 successive bonus gold. Cap of 20 extra gold.

    Level 1 - 2 bonus gold per enemy.
    Level 2 - 4 bonus gold per enemy.
    Level 3 - 6 bonus gold per enemy.
    Level 4 - 8 bonus gold per enemy.

    Chemical Rage (ultimate)

    The Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown and

    increasing hitpoints and regeneration.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - 1.45 Base Attack Rate and 200 Bonus HP and Regeneration. (50 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 1.35 Base Attack Rate and and 400 Bonus HP and Regeneration. (100 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1.25 Base Attack Rate and 600 Bonus HP and Regeneration. (150 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Mirana Nightshade (Priestess of the Moon)

    A matriarch and high priestess of Elune's blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness

    for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead

    masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue

    of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade

    herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by


    Strength - 17 + 1.85 (473 base hp;1309 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 20 + 2.75
    Intelligence - 17 + 1.65 (221 base mana;728 final mana)
    Base attack - 38-49 (1.42 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.8 (9% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 104-115 (0.91 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.2 (40% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.08 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.25 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 600
    Movement Speed - 300


    Calls down a wave of meteors to damage each nearby enemy. If enemy is farther than 600 range, it has a 60%

    chance to still hit him. One random enemy unit within 200 aoe will get hit again for half the damage.

    Level 1 - 75 damage per wave. (100 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage per wave. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage per wave. (140 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage per wave. (160 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Elune's Arrow

    Fires an arrow to a location with deadly precision, dealing large damage and stunning the first unit it

    strikes. Stun duration increases based on how far the target is, ranging from 0.5 to 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 90 damage. (100 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 180 damage. (100 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 270 damage. (100 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 360 damage. (100 mana cost;25 second cooldown)


    Mirana's wild Frostsaber leaps forward into battle, empowering allies with a ferocious roar upon landing.

    Movement and Attack Speed bonus lasts 10 seconds.

    Level 1 - 400 range. 4% speed increase. (60 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 450 range. 8% speed increase. (55 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 500 range. 12% speed increase. (50 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 550 range. 16% speed increase. (45 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Moonlight Shadow (ultimate)

    Turns Nightshade and all allied heroes invisible. If Invisiblity is broken, it gets restored after the fade

    time during the shadow duration.

    Level 1 - Lasts 7 seconds. 2.5 second fade time. (200 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 9 seconds. 2 second fade time. (250 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 11 seconds. 1.5 second fade time. (300 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Luna Moonfang (Moon Rider)

    Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune. She fights alongside the

    Sentinel in the neverending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts,

    she has been granted small portions of Elune's mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through

    her enemies. It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always

    surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself. Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an

    ever vigilant protector.

    Strength - 15 + 1.75 (435 base hp;1233 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 2.8
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.85 (208 base mana;780 final mana)
    Base attack - 33-39 (1.39 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 100-106 (0.9 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12.7 (43% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.96 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.4 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 330 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 320

    Lucent Beam

    Luna concentrates on the moon's energy and channels it forcefully to the surface, damaging an enemy unit.

    Level 1 - 75 damage. (95 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage. (110 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage. (125 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage. (140 mana cost;7 second cooldown)

    Moon Glaive (passive)

    Allows Luna to attack extra enemies with each Glaive attack. Each enemy struck beyond the first incurs a

    40% damage loss, per unit.

    Level 1 - Luna hits 2 enemies with every attack.
    Level 2 - Luna hits 3 enemies with every attack.
    Level 3 - Luna hits 4 enemies with every attack.
    Level 4 - Luna hits 5 enemies with every attack.

    Lunar Blessing (passive)

    Nearby ranged units gain the power of the moon.

    Level 1 - Increases base ranged damage by 6%.
    Level 2 - Increases base ranged damage by 13%.
    Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 20%.
    Level 4 - Increases base ranged damage by 27%.

    Eclipse (ultimate)

    Calls to the moon's magic, summoning a concentrated burst of Lucent Beams to damage targets within 450 aoe

    around Luna.

    Level 1 - Summons 4 Lucent Beams. (250 mana cost;140 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons 7 Lucent Beams. (350 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons 10 Lucent Beams. (450 mana cost;100 second cooldown)

    Eclipse under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Amount of lucent beams
    From: 4 / 7 / 10
    To: 4 / 8 / 12

    Max lucent beams per target
    From: 4 / 4 / 4
    To: 4 / 5 / 5

    From: 140 / 120 / 100
    To: 130 / 110 / 90

    Mana cost
    From: 250 / 350 / 450
    To: 225 / 325 / 425

    Kardal Sharpeye (Dwarven Sniper)

    Kardel is the Sentinel's sniping specialist. With the longest ranged attacks available, Kardel is the best

    at dealing large damage and staying out of harm's way.

    Strength - 16 + 1.7 (454 base hp;1214 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 2.4
    Intelligence - 12 + 2.6 (156 base mana;962 final mana)
    Base attack - 36-42 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2 (10% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.49 mana per second
    Final attack - 93-99 (0.96 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.1 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.93 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.97 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 3000
    Attack range - 550 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290


    Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive

    pellets, each doing 10-35 physical damage in a 200 area of effect.

    Level 1 - 8 Pellets. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 12 Pellets. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 16 Pellets. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 20 Pellets. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Headshot (passive)

    A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.

    Level 1 - 30 damage, 25% chance.
    Level 2 - 30 damage, 30% chance.
    Level 3 - 40 damage, 35% chance.
    Level 4 - 50 damage, 40% chance.

    Take Aim (passive)

    Passively enhances the range of Kardel's rifle.

    Level 1 - Adds 55 range.
    Level 2 - Adds 110 range.
    Level 3 - Adds 165 range.
    Level 4 - Adds 220 range.

    Assassinate (ultimate)

    Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.

    Level 1 - Deals 355 damage at 1500 range. (175 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 505 damage at 2000 range. (275 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 655 damage at 2500 range. (375 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Jah'rakal (Troll Warlord)

    When the Sentinel first gathered their forces, The Troll Warriors were considered primitive and unreliable.

    Their pride wounded, many refused to join, some even considering siding with the Scourge. Only a hotheaded

    young Warlord called Jah'rakal joined the Sentinel. Known as "Blinding Axe" in troll tongue, both for the

    blinding speed of his axes and his trademark blind technique, his unstoppable rampages have already made

    him a legend among his Allies. However Jah'rakal fights not for the Sentinel, or even to defend the

    Ancients, but to show Elves, Men, Orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world.

    Strength - 17 + 2.2 (473 base hp;1461 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 2.75
    Intelligence - 13 + 1.0 (169 base mana;481 final mana)
    Base attack - 38-56 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2 (10% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.53 mana per second
    Final attack - 104-122 (0.91 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.1 (40% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.31 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.49 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) while in ranged form- 1.8
    Base attack time (BAT) while in melee form - 1.6
    Projectile speed - 1200
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 280

    Berserker Rage

    Jah'rakal goes berserk, using his throwing axes as a melee weapon. He gains 27 minimum damage and 12

    maximum damage, 100 HP, 3 armor, 7% move speed, and the Bash ability, but can only attack at melee range.

    Level 1 - Bash has a 5% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds. (50 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - Bash has a 5% chance to deal 50 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds. (50 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - Bash has a 10% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds. (50 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 4 - Bash has a 10% chance to deal 50 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds. (50 mana cost;no cooldown)


    A searing light blinds the vision of a target enemy unit, making it miss on some attacks.
    Lasts 15 seconds.

    Level 1 - Misses on 15% of attacks. (20 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Misses on 24% of attacks. (20 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Misses on 33% of attacks. (20 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Misses on 42% of attacks. (20 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Fervor (passive)

    Passively increases the attack speed of all nearby friendly units within 300 aoe.

    Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 5%.
    Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 15%.
    Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 20%.
    Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 30%.

    Rampage (ultimate)

    Jah'rakal goes into a feral rampage, increasing his attack and movement speeds.
    Lasts 30 seconds.
    Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 7%. (100 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 80% and movement speed by 9%. (150 mana cost;80 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 120% and movement speed by 11%. (205 mana cost;70 second cooldown)

    Rhasta (Shadow Shaman)

    Once a gifted troll witch doctor, young Rhasta was well versed with the secrets of voodoo magic. When the

    war between the Sentinel and the Scourge began, Rhasta, then a Shadow Hunter, offered his allegiance to the

    Sentinels to vanquish the Scourge once and for all. While he was gifted as a witch doctor, Rhasta is a

    genius as a shadow hunter, exceeding his master by mastering the art of summoning multiple serpent wards,

    binding enemies for a short time and casting elemental lightning to several units.

    Strength - 16 + 1.6 (454 base hp;1176 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.6
    Intelligence (primary) - 21 + 3.0 (273 base mana;1209 final mana)
    Base attack - 42-49 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.2 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 114-121 (1.1 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.7 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.87 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.73 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 275

    Forked Lightning

    Calls forth a cone of lightning, hitting multiple enemy units for damage.

    Level 1 - 75 damage to 3 targets. (95 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage to 4 targets. (105 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage to 5 targets. (135 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage to 7 targets. (160 mana cost;10 second cooldown)


    Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.

    Level 1 - Lasts 1 second. (110 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds. (140 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 3 seconds. (170 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 4 seconds. (200 mana cost;13 second cooldown)


    Magically binds a target enemy, so that it cannot move or attack. Deals 40 damage per second.

    Level 1 - Lasts 2.5 seconds. (110 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 3.25 seconds. (130 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 4 seconds. (155 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 4.75 seconds. (185 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Mass Serpent Ward (ultimate)

    Summons 8 immobile serpentine wards to attack enemies. The wards are immune to magic.

    Level 1 - Deals 43 max damage. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 58 max damage. (350 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 73 max damage. (610 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Mass Serpent Ward under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Amount of wards summoned
    From: 8 / 8 / 8
    To: 12 / 12 / 12

    From: 350 / 350 / 350
    To: 400 / 400 / 400

    Rigwarl (Bristleback)

    A tried and true champion of his race, Rigwarl has unsuccessfully led the fight to defend his land against

    the onslaught of the Scourge. With his diminishing ranks and inability to hold the Scourge throne, he

    capitulated to the offer to join the Sentinel. With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural

    attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight.

    Strength (primary) - 22 + 2.7 (568 base hp;1784 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 1.8
    Intelligence - 14 + 2.2 (182 base mana;858 final mana)
    Base attack - 52-62 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.4 (20% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 116-126 (1.06 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.5 (38% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.83 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.65 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 305

    Viscous Nasal Goo

    Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Casts on the same target are

    Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - -1 armor, 20% and 3% slow a cast. (30 mana cost;1 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - -1 armor, 20% and 6% slow a cast. (30 mana cost;1 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - -2 armor, 20% and 9% slow a cast. (30 mana cost;1 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - -2 armor, 20% and 12% slow a cast. (30 mana cost;1 second cooldown)

    Quill Spray

    Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 650 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage everytime a unit is

    struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. Damage type is physical.

    Level 1 - 20 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. (30 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. (35 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 60 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. (40 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 80 direct damage. 30 stacking damage. (45 mana cost;3 second cooldown)

    Bristleback (passive)

    Rigwal covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray

    whenever his rear receives 300 damage on his back.

    Level 1 - 10% reduced from rear, 5% from sides.
    Level 2 - 20% reduced from rear, 10% from sides.
    Level 3 - 30% reduced from rear, 15% from sides.
    Level 4 - 40% reduced from rear, 20% from sides.

    Warpath (passive;ultimate)

    Everytime Rigwarl casts a spell, he works himself into a fury. Movement and Attack speeds increase on

    repeated spell casts. Lasts 10 seconds. Stacks up to 4 times.

    Level 1 - 30% IAS/5% MS Base + 5% IAS/1% MS Stack. (no cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40% IAS/7% MS Base + 10% IAS/2% MS Stack. (no cooldown)
    Level 3 - 50% IAS/10% MS Base + 15% IAS/3% MS Stack. (no cooldown)

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
  3. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    Magnix (Pandaren Brewmaster)

    A Pandaren with quicker than usual reflexes, Mangix wields his oaken staff with great efficiency. He is one

    of the toughest heroes to kill, and he hits hard and fast. He does not even count his kills anymore.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.9 (587 base hp;1898 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.95
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.25 (182 base mana;572 final mana)
    Base attack - 52-59 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 121-128 (1.05 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.8 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.01 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.77 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Thunder Clap

    Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units

    within 350 range.

    Level 1 - 100 damage, 25% movement and attack speed reductions. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 175 damage, 35% movement and attack speed reductions. (105 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 250 damage, 45% movement and attack speed reductions. (130 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage, 55% movement and attack speed reductions. (150 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Drunken Haze

    Drenches an enemy unit in alcohol, causing his movement speed to be reduced, and causing his attacks to

    have a chance to miss.
    Lasts 7 seconds.

    Level 1 - 10% movement speed reduction, 45% miss chance. (50 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 12% movement speed reduction, 55% miss chance. (50 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 15% movement speed reduction, 65% miss chance. (50 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 17% movement speed reduction, 75% miss chance. (50 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Drunken Brawler (passive)

    Gives a chance to avoid attacks and deal 1.8 critical damage.

    Level 1 - 6% dodge, 5% chance to critical.
    Level 2 - 12% dodge, 10% chance to critical.
    Level 3 - 18% dodge, 15% chance to critical.
    Level 4 - 24% dodge, 20% chance to critical.

    Primal Split, Earth, And Fire (ultimate)

    Splits the Pandaren Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of

    them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.

    Level 1 - Summons three mighty Pandas. (150 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons three even mightier Pandas. (225 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons three really freaking mighty Pandas. (320 mana cost;180 second cooldown)

    Storm Panda

    Damage: 37-43/75-84/159-171 piercing damage
    Movespeed: 350
    Base Attack Time: 1.5 (1.35 at level 3)
    Range: 500
    HP: 1000/1500/1900
    MP: 500/750/750
    Armor: 2 heavy armor

    Dispel magic
    Removes all buffs from units in a target area. Deals 350 damage to summoned units. Costs 75 mana and has a

    5 second cooldown.

    Tosses a target non-mechanical enemy unit into the air, rendering it unable to move, attack or cast spells

    and stopping others from attacking or casting on it. Lasts 20 seconds and costs 150 mana. Has a 5 second


    Wind Walk
    Allows the pandaren to become invisible, and move 50% faster. If the pandaren attacks a unit to break

    invisibility, the attack will do 100 bonus damage. Costs 75 mana and has a 5 second cooldown. Lasts 15


    Resistant Skin
    Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders this unit immune to certain spells.

    Earth Panda
    Damage: 37-43/75-84/159-171 piercing damage
    Movespeed: 325
    Base Attack Time: 1.35
    Range: Melee
    HP: 1500/2250/3000
    MP: 500/400/600
    Armor: 5 heavy armor

    Hurl Boulder
    A magical boulder that is thrown at an enemy unit, dealing 100 points of damage and stunning the target for

    2 seconds. Costs 100 mana and has a 7 second cooldown.

    Gives a 20% chance that an attack will deal 40 damage to nearby units.

    The closest 10 enemies are forced to attack this unit. Cooldown 10 seconds.

    Resistant Skin
    Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders this unit immune to certain spells.

    Spell immunity
    Renders this unit immune to all spells.

    Fire Panda
    Damage: 52-62/105-120/214-234 piercing damage
    Movespeed: 325
    Base Attack Time: 1.35
    Range: Melee
    HP: 900/1350/1800
    Armor: 2 heavy armor

    Permanent Immolation
    Burns nearby enemy units for 10 points of damage per second.

    Resistant Skin
    Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders this unit immune to certain spells.

    Bradwarden (Centaur Warchief)

    A behemoth even by centaur standards, Bradwarden was the warchief of a centaur tribe. Most of his people

    were subverted by the Scourge, but Bradwarden was too honourable to fall under their influence. He had to

    fight his way through his own kin to escape and now, angry and relentless, he seeks vengeance against the

    Scourge. Smiting enemies with his axe, he is strong as a mountain, and equally hard to bring down.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.6 (587 base hp;1765 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 2.0
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.6 (195 base mana;689 final mana)
    Base attack - 55-57 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 117-119 (1.04 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.8 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.13 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Hoof Stomp

    Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units within 315 aoe.

    Level 1 - 100 damage, 1.25 second stun. (85 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage, 1.75 second stun. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 200 damage, 2.25 second stun. (115 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 250 damage, 2.75 second stun. (130 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Double Edge

    The Centaur summons a tremendous amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only

    be done within 200 range, and it damages both the Warchief and the enemy unit. If the Warchief's hp is less

    than the damage he deals when Double Edge is used, he will survive with 1 hp.

    Level 1 - Deals 175 damage. (75 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 250 damage. (90 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 325 damage. (105 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 400 damage. (120 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Return (passive)

    The Centaur Warchief immediately counters every attack against him with a swift strike. Deals less damage

    against ranged units.

    Level 1 - Returns 15 damage, 5 against ranged units.
    Level 2 - Returns 30 damage, 10 against ranged units.
    Level 3 - Returns 45 damage, 15 against ranged units.
    Level 4 - Returns 60 damage, 20 against ranged units.

    Great Fortitude (passive;ultimate)

    The Centaur Warchief's mammoth body is capable of absorbing great amounts of punishment.

    Level 1 - Adds +12 Strength.
    Level 2 - Adds +24 Strength.
    Level 3 - Adds +36 Strength.

    Gondar (Bounty Hunter)

    Gondar is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past,

    but his capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was

    born with his amazing abilities. He is able to throw shurikens with extreme accuracy and has the strength

    to strike down any foe with his two swift blades. His agility is matched by none, and his stealth is

    inferior only to few. He is interested in the conflict for money alone, and is promised a large reward.

    Strength - 17 + 1.8 (473 base hp;1290 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 3.0
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.4 (208 base mana;637 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-59 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4 (19% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 117-131 (0.88 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 14.2 (46% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.04 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.97 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 315

    Shuriken Toss

    The Bounty Hunter throws a shuriken at a target unit, dealing damage.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (90 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 200 damage. (115 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 250 damage. (135 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 325 damage. (155 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Jinada (passive)

    Gives a % chance to evade attacks and 15% chance to deal extra damage.

    Level 1 - 5% dodge, 1.25 critical multiplier.
    Level 2 - 10% dodge, 1.5 critical multiplier.
    Level 3 - 15% dodge, 1.75 critical multiplier.
    Level 4 - 20% dodge, 2 critical multiplier.

    Wind Walk

    Turns invisible for a period of time. Deals bonus backstab damage. Transition time decreases per level.

    Level 1 - 30 backstab damage, lasts 15 seconds. (50 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 60 backstab damage, lasts 20 seconds. (50 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 90 backstab damage, lasts 25 seconds. (50 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 120 backstab damage, lasts 30 seconds. (50 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Track (ultimate)

    Tracks an enemy hero for 30 seconds or until it dies. You gain 20% movement speed increase. If you kill a

    hero, you pawn its head for extra money.
    Level 1 - Any hero kill is worth 50 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 1. (100 mana cost;10 second

    Level 2 - Any hero kill is worth 100 extra gold, reduces target's armor by 2. (75 mana cost;10 second

    Level 3 - Any hero kill is worth 150 extra gold, reduces target's armor by 4. (50 mana cost;10 second


    Knight Davion (Dragon Knight)

    A dragonkin mother and a human father created the creature that is Davion. With the ability to transform

    into a dragon, Davion is a fierce beast to meet. Even in human form, his abilities reflect his lineage and

    make him an unusually strong and damaging fighter.

    Strength (primary) - 19 + 2.8 (511 base hp;1784 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 1.7
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.7 (195 base mana;715 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-52 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.4 (20% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 113-119 (1.08 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.1 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.83 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.21 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed (red dragon) - 900
    Projectile speed (green dragon) - 1500
    Projectile speed (blue dragon) - 800
    Attack range - 125 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290

    Breathe Fire

    Breathes fire at enemy units which deals damage.

    Level 1 - 75 damage. (100 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage. (115 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage. (130 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage. (150 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Dragon Tail

    Knight Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target

    and deals minor damage.

    Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, stuns for 2.5 seconds. (100 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 50 damage, stuns for 2.75 seconds. (100 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 75 damage, stuns for 3 seconds. (100 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 100 damage, stuns for 3.25 seconds. (100 mana cost;9 second cooldown)

    Dragon Blood (passive)

    Grants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritage, which increases health regeneration

    and armor.

    Level 1 - Increases hp regen by 1 and armor by 2.
    Level 2 - Increases hp regen by 2 and armor by 4.
    Level 3 - Increases hp regen by 3 and armor by 6.
    Level 4 - Increases hp regen by 4 and armor by 8.

    Elder Dragon Form (ultimate)

    Transforms the Dragon Knight into a powerful elder dragon. Lasts 60 seconds.

    Level 1 - Transform into a Green Dragon with a movespeed of 300, and a corrosive attack that slows the

    target unit and deals 8 damage for 5 seconds. Corrosive damage does not stack. (100 mana cost;135 second

    Level 2 - Transform into a Red Dragon with a splash attack that deals full damage to all units around the

    primary target and has 5 bonus damage. (150 mana cost;135 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Transform into a Blue Dragon with an extremely powerful frost attack that deals half damage to

    all units around the primary target and also inflicts 4 seconds of a frost effect. (200 mana cost;135

    second cooldown)

    *note: Both รขโ‚ฌล“splash attackรขโ‚ฌ
  4. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    Scourge List 1

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    edit: This is now section 1 of the Scourge list.


    Terrorblade (Soul Keeper)

    Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolise his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

    Strength - 15 + 1.9 (435 base hp;1290 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 3.2
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.75 (195 base mana;741 final mana)
    Base attack - 48-54 (1.23 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 5.1 (23% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 124-130 (0.76 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 16 (48% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.04 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.29 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.5
    Base attack time (BAT) while in Metamorphosis - 1.6
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 320

    Soul Steal

    Strangles the soul of a target enemy unit and extracts bits and pieces of it.
    Lasts 8 seconds.

    Level 1 - Absorbs 20 hit points per second. (45 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Absorbs 40 hit points per second. (45 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Absorbs 60 hit points per second. (45 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Absorbs 80 hit points per second. (45 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Conjure Image

    Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals damage. Lasts 30 seconds.

    Level 1 - Images deal 25% damage. (70 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Images deal 35% damage. (85 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Images deal 45% damage. (100 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Images deal 55% damage. (115 mana cost;10 second cooldown)


    Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with 500 unit ranged attack.

    Level 1 - Lasts 30 seconds. (125 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 40 seconds, 50 bonus hit points. (115 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 50 seconds, 100 bonus hit points. (107 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 60 seconds, 150 bonus hit points. (100 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Sunder (ultimate)

    Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls. Some hit points must remain on enemy heroes.

    Level 1 - Range is 250, 33% hit point minimum. (200 mana cost;200 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Range is 250, 28% hit point minimum. (100 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Range is 250, 23% hit point minimum. (no mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Kel'Thuzad (Lich)

    Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Lich has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. Evoking numerous freezing blasts, his talent in life still remains in death. Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth.

    Strength - 18 + 1.55 (492 base hp;1195 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 2.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 18 + 3.25 (234 base mana;1248 final mana)
    Base attack - 37-49 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 115-127 (1.04 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.9 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.84 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295

    Frost Nova

    Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds. Units within 300 AoE of the main target will take the Nova damage and will be slowed.

    Level 1 - 50 target damage and 75 nova damage. (125 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 100 target damage and 100 nova damage. (150 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 125 target damage and 125 nova damage. (170 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 175 target damage and 150 nova damage. (190 mana cost;9 second cooldown)

    Frost Armor

    Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows attacking melee units for 2 seconds.
    Lasts 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - Adds 2 armor. (50 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Adds 4 armor. (50 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Adds 6 armor. (50 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Adds 8 armor. (50 mana cost;5 second cooldown)

    Dark Ritual

    Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana.

    Level 1 - 15% of hit points to mana. (25 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 30% of hit points to mana. (25 mana cost;55 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 45% of hit points to mana. (25 mana cost;50 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 60% of hit points to mana. (25 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Chain Frost (ultimate)

    Releases a jumping breath of frost that can jump up to 6 times. Frost will bounce back and forth between units that are within 750 range. 750 (800 with Scepter) cast range.

    Level 1 - Deals 280 damage per hit. (200 mana cost;135 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 370 damage per hit. (325 mana cost;110 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 460 damage per hit. (500 mana cost;95 second cooldown)

    Chain Frost under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per target
    From: 280 / 370 / 460
    To: 370 / 460 / 550

    Casting range
    From: 750 / 750 / 750
    To: 850 / 850 / 850

    Krobelus (Death Prophet)

    Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of Death Sayers. Her belief in the ways of death and the perfect harmony it brings has given her dead spirit a chance to wreak havoc among the chaotic living. She uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins. She augments her powers through the use of witchcraft, and she is able to make opponents gape in fear, losing the focus needed to cast spells. She is devoted to death in all it's aspects, and would see all turned to ash.

    Strength - 17 + 1.8 (473 base hp;1290 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 1.4
    Intelligence (primary) - 20 + 3.0 (260 base mana;1196 final mana)
    Base attack - 39-51 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1 (5% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.81 mana per second
    Final attack - 111-123 (1.16 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.7 (25% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.04 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.69 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 280

    Carrion Swarm

    Sends a horde of bats to damage enemies.

    Level 1 - 100 damage per unit. (105 mana cost;15 second cooldown;mana costs and cooldown decrease as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 2 - 175 damage per unit. (120 mana cost;15 second cooldown;mana costs and cooldown decrease as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 3 - 250 damage per unit. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown;mana costs and cooldown decrease as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 4 - 300 damage per unit. (165 mana cost;15 second cooldown;mana costs and cooldown decrease as witchcraft level increases)


    Stops all enemies within 300 aoe of a target area from casting spells.

    Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. (90 mana cost;mana cost decreases as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. (90 mana cost;mana cost decreases as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds. (90 mana cost;mana cost decreases as witchcraft level increases)
    Level 4 - Lasts 6 seconds. (90 mana cost;mana cost decreases as witchcraft level increases)

    Witchcraft (passive)

    Increases the potency of each of Krobelus's spells as well as increasing movespeed:

    Level 1

    Carrion Swarm: Mana cost reduced by 5 and cooldown reduced by 1 second.
    Silence: Mana cost reduced to 80
    Exorcism: +1 Spirit
    Movespeed: Base movespeed becomes 287

    Carrion Swarm: Mana cost reduced by 10 and cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.
    Silence: Mana cost reduced to 70
    Exorcism: +2 Spirit
    Movespeed: Base movespeed becomes 294

    Level 3
    Carrion Swarm: Mana cost reduced by 15 and cooldown reduced by 3 seconds
    Silence: Mana cost reduced to 60
    Exorcism: +3 Spirit
    Movespeed: Base movespeed becomes 295

    Level 4
    Carrion Swarm: Mana cost reduced by 20 and cooldown reduced by 4 seconds.
    Silence: Mana cost reduced to 50
    Exorcism: +4 Spirit
    Movespeed: Base movespeed becomes 302

    Exorcism (ultimate)

    Unleashes evil spirits to attack your enemies. Each spirit can deal 43 - 48 hero type damage. Death Prophet will absorb 25% of the damage dealt by all her spirits as HP.

    Level 1 - Summons 5 evil spirits. (200 mana cost;115 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons 10 evil spirits. (300 mana cost;115 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons 16 evil spirits. (400 mana cost;115 second cooldown)

    Lion (Demon Witch)

    With control over the terrible powers of the demon lord Archimonde, Lion is a feared and respected enemy on the battlefield. Once a wizard of Dalaran, he ventured deeper into the unknown arts and became corrupted by the iron will of the Frozen Throne. He is a powerful disabler, able to afflict all sorts of curses onto an enemy and has achieved the zenith of demon magics.

    Strength - 16 + 1.7 (454 base hp;1214 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.5
    Intelligence (primary) - 22 + 3.0 (286 base mana;1222 final mana)
    Base attack - 42-48 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.89 mana per second
    Final attack - 114-120 (1.13 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.2 (27% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.93 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.77 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1000
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 280


    Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake.

    Level 1 - 60 damage, .5 second stun. (100 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 130 damage, 1 second stun. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 200 damage, 1.5 second stun. (145 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 260 damage, 2 second stun. (170 mana cost;12 second cooldown)


    Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.

    Level 1 - Lasts 1 second. (110 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 2 seconds. (140 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 3 seconds. (170 mana cost;13 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 4 seconds. (200 mana cost;13 second cooldown)

    Mana Drain

    Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second.
    Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - 15 mana drained per second. (10 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 30 mana drained per second. (10 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 50 mana drained per second. (10 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 70 mana drained per second. (10 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Finger of Death (ultimate)

    Instantly rips at a target, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage.

    Level 1 - Deals 500 damage. (200 mana cost;150 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 650 damage. (420 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 850 damage. (650 mana cost;55 second cooldown)

    Finger of Death under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    From: 500 / 650 / 850
    To: 600 / 800 / 1025

    From: 150 / 90 / 55
    To: 150 / 90 / 50

    Mana cost
    From: 200 / 420 / 650
    To: 200 / 420 / 625

    Lesale Deathbringer (Venomancer)

    For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike an enemy with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.

    Strength - 18 + 1.85 (492 base hp;1328 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 2.6
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.75 (195 base mana;741 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-48 (1.39 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 108-110 (0.92 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12 (41% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.11 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.29 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 450 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290

    Shadow Strike

    Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

    Level 1 - 50 strike damage, 10 duration damage. (90 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 70 strike damage, 20 duration damage. (105 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 70 strike damage, 40 duration damage. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage. (135 mana cost;22 second cooldown)

    Poison Sting (passive)

    Adds poison damage to this hero's normal attacks, slightly slowing movement speeds.
    Lasts 7 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 5 damage per second.
    Level 2 - Deals 10 damage per second.
    Level 3 - Deals 15 damage per second.
    Level 4 - Deals 20 damage per second.

    Plague Ward

    Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward is immune to magic.
    Lasts 40 seconds.

    Level 1 - 75 hit points, 11 max damage. (25 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 200 hit points, 21 max damage. (25 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 325 hit points, 32 max damage. (25 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 450 hit points, 42 max damage. (25 mana cost;6 second cooldown)

    Poison Nova (ultimate)

    Creates a ring of noxious poison of around 500 aoe that damages enemy units over a 12 second period.

    Level 1 - 36 damage per second. (200 mana cost;135 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 58 damage per second. (300 mana cost;115 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 81 damage per second. (400 mana cost;95 second cooldown)

    Poison Nova under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per second
    From 36 / 58 / 81
    To: 58 / 81 / 108

    From: 135 / 115 / 95
    To: 115 / 95 / 60

    Magnus (Magnataur)

    Maybe the most tremendous being on the Scourge, Magnus is a power to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to become a potent warrior, he is now at the peak of his strength. The Magnataur's giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave that ripples through the ground. Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease. His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end.

    Strength (primary) - 21 + 2.75 (549 base hp;1803 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.8
    Intelligence - 17 + 1.65 (221 base mana;728 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-61 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.1 (19% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.88 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.69 mana per second
    Final attack - 115-127 (1.08 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.2 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.86 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.25 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 315


    A wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line of 900 distance.

    Level 1 - 75 damage. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)


    Increases attack damage for a friendly unit.

    Level 1 - 15% attack damage. (30 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 30% attack damage. (30 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 45% attack damage. (30 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 60% attack damage. (30 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Mighty Swing (passive)

    Magnus' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. Targets beside the primary take less damage.

    Level 1 - 12% damage is splashed.
    Level 2 - 25% damage is splashed.
    Level 3 - 37% damage is splashed.
    Level 4 - 50% damage is splashed.

    Reverse Polarity (ultimate)

    Through some unknown property of matter, the Magnataur sucks all nearby enemies within 400 aoe to his position and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage.

    Level 1 - 2 second stun, deals 150 damage. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 3 second stun, dealing 225 damage. (275 mana cost;160 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 4 second stun, dealing 300 damage. (400 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Visage (Necro'lic)

    Brought back to unlife by a vicious Harpy Queen, this once proud Wyvern was turned into a Visage of its former self. Corrupted by chaos, Visage is now a master of death; the unholy chill of the grave driving him into killing frenzies. Empathic to souls, he can consume fresh souls to heal and animate souls of his dead brethren into corpses to fight by his side.

    Strength - 17 + 1.75 (473 base hp;1271 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 2.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 19 + 2.45 (247 base mana;1001 final mana)
    Base attack - 33-43 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.4 (7% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.77 mana per second
    Final attack - 91-101 (1.03 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.2 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.02 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.09 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 285

    Grave Chill

    Visage drains the life from a target, slowing its attack and move speed. He then gets bonuses equal to those drained. Lasts 10 seconds.

    Level 1 - 8% of attack speed and 8% of move speed drained to Visage. (110 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 16% of attack speed and 16% of move speed drained to Visage. (120 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 24% of attack speed and 24% of move speed drained to Visage. (130 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 32% of attack speed and 32% of move speed drained to Visage. (140 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Soul Assumption (orb effect)

    Adds extra damage to attacks, and a debuff icon on the target for 2 seconds. Units killed while under the effect of Soul Assumption will give Visage life.

    Level 1 - 10 bonus damage, and 10 life returned. (5 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20 bonus damage, and 20 life returned. (10 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - 30 bonus damage, and 30 life returned. (15 mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 4 - 40 bonus damage, and 40 life returned. (20 mana cost;no cooldown)

    Orb effect.

    Gravekeeper's Cloak (passive)

    Causes any damage taken by Visage to be reflected onto all enemies in a 600 AoE.

    Level 1 - 6% of damage.
    Level 2 - 12% of damage.
    Level 3 - 18% of damage.
    Level 4 - 24% of damage.

    Raise Revenants (ultimate)

    Raises a revenant from a corpse. Resists spell damage by 33%.

    Level 1 - 350 hit points, 29 damage. 33% spell resistance. Can summon 5 revenants. (50 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 550 hit points, 39 damage. 33% spell resistance. Can summon 6 revenants. (50 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 800 hit points, 49 damage. Spell immunity. Can summon 7 revenants. (50 mana cost;6 second cooldown)

    Nessaj (Chaos Knight)

    A disciple of Mithras, the God of Chaos, Nessaj has utilized the powers bestowed upon him to further the cause of Chaos and Evil. He stands opposed with all his might against the powers of Order and Good. He uses his ability to call upon chaotic energy to damage and stun an enemy for a random length of time in conjunction with his power to rip holes in space to instantly strike down all that stand against him. His powers culminate into the terrifying Phantasm, creating avatars of himself who do full damage to all those who oppose him, confusing the battlefield and wreaking havoc amongst the forces of Good.

    Strength (primary) - 21 + 2.9 (549 base hp;1860 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 2.1
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.2 (208 base mana;572 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-76 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4 (19% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.88 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 115-145 (1.04 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.1 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.95 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.77 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 325

    Chaos Bolt

    A mysterious energy bolt is thrown at an enemy. It stuns for a random amount of time. Deals random damage between 1 and 200.

    Level 1 - 1-2 seconds (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 1-3 seconds (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1-4 seconds (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 2-4 seconds (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Blink Strike

    Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.
    Costs 50 mana.

    Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage. (50 mana cost)

    Critical Strike (passive)

    Nessaj's mojo gives him a chance to deal bonus damage.

    Level 1 - 11% chance, 1.5 times normal damage.
    Level 2 - 11% chance, 2 times normal damage.
    Level 3 - 11% chance, 2.5 times normal damage.
    Level 4 - 11% chance, 3 times normal damage.

    Phantasm (ultimate)

    Summons several copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. The illusions deal full damage, but take extra damage.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - Summons 1 Image, takes 200% normal damage. (175 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons 2 Images, takes 200% normal damage. (225 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons 3 Images, takes 200% normal damage. (275 mana cost;180 second cooldown)

    Banehallow (Lycanthrope)

    Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge. For years he has dwelled in the dark forests of the world, hunting innocents that wander therein. Now he is called to aid his masters. He revels in blood and battle, using his wolfish persona to draw the feral beasts to his side and imbue his allies with his flesh-shredding strength. He is also unnaturally quick and agile. Some say he can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity.

    Strength (primary) - 22 + 2.75 (568 base hp;1822 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.9
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.55 (195 base mana;676 final mana)
    Base attack - 53-57 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 119-123 (1.06 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.7 (36% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.88 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.09 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Base attack time (BAT) while in wolf form - 1.4
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295

    Summon Wolves

    Summons 2 Spirit Wolves to fight the Lycanthrope's enemies. Wolves cannot attack air unit and have 400 movespeed. Lasts 45 seconds.

    Level 1 - Summons 2 wolves with 17-18 normal damage, 1.25 BAT, 0 heavy armor, and 400 HP. (125 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons 2 wolves with 27-30 normal damage, 1.2 BAT, 0 heavy armor and 500 HP; they also have 10% chance to deal 2x critical strike. (125 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons 2 wolves with 34-40 normal damage, 1.15 BAT, 0 heavy armour, and 600 HP; they also have 10% chance to deal 2x critical and 15% chance for bash (1 second) and deal 15 bonus damage. (125 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Summons 2 wolves with 43-49 normal damage, 1.1 BAT, 0 heavy armor, and 700 HP; they also have 10% chance to deal 2x critical, and 15% chance to bash (1 second) and deal 15 bonus damage, and permanent invisibility with 1.5 seconds fade time. (125 mana cost;30 second cooldown)


    An eerie howl grants an inner strength to all nearby friendly units within 400 aoe.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - Adds 8% damage. (20 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Adds 16% damage. (27 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Adds 24% damage. (34 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Adds 32% damage. (41 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Feral Heart (passive)

    Increases the movement speed and attack speed of the Lycanthrope.

    Level 1 - 3% movement, 15% attack.
    Level 2 - 6% movement, 19% attack.
    Level 3 - 9% movement, 23% attack.
    Level 4 - 12% movement, 27% attack.

    Shapeshift (ultimate)

    A Full Moon curdles the blood of the Lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with an extra 9 - 27 damage, bonus hit points, 10% chance to do 2x Critical Strike, 380 movement speed. His base attack time reduces from 1.7 to 1.4. Gain 3 HP regeneration per second at night.

    Level 1 - 100 bonus hit points, lasts 40 seconds. (150 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 200 bonus hit points, lasts 50 seconds. (175 mana cost;170 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 300 bonus hit points, lasts 60 seconds. (200 mana cost;160 second cooldown)

    Black Arachnia (Broodmother)

    Once a Queen of the Nerubians, she struck fear into the hearts of those she ruled. However she made the fatal mistake of falling in love with the renegade assassin Anub'Arak , and was banished from her own kingdom. Now she accompanies her true love in the battle of the Ancients, bearing his offspring as a symbol of her undying love. An expert in weaving webs of deception, she has the power of incapacitating those who dare attack her, and sowing in them the seeds of her offspring which then tear out of the corpse of the unfortunate victim. Her lust for battle helps her grow stronger and sustain herself, leading many to believe that her hunger for flesh, is insatiable..

    Strength - 17 + 2.5 (473 base hp;1613 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 18 + 2.2
    Intelligence - 18 + 2.0 (234 base mana;858 final mana)
    Base attack - 43-50 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.5 (21% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 96-102 (1.0 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12 (41% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.56 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.65 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 315

    Spawn Spiderlings

    The Broodmother injects her young into a target, creating immense pain. If the target is killed by the injection, spiderlings will be born.

    Level 1 - 75 damage, 1 spiderling. (75 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage, 2 spiderlings. (90 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage, 3 spiderlings. (105 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage, 4 spiderlings. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Spiderlings have 350 HP, 18 - 19 Normal damage, 0 Heavy Armor and last 60 seconds.

    Spiderling skills:

    Poison sting - Deals 4 damage per second for 2 seconds and slows movement speed by 15%.
    Spawn Spiderite (autocast) - Plants a spiderite egg in enemies that lasts around 1 second. If the unit dies while infested, a spiderite is born.
    Spiderites have 175 HP, 9 - 10 Normal damage, 0 Heavy Armor and last 60 seconds.

    Spin Web

    Spins a web which grants the Broodmother invisibility in an area, 20% speed bonus, 2 HP/ sec regeneration, and true sight.

    Level 1 - 2 allowed webs, 90 second cooldown. (140 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 4 allowed webs, 75 second cooldown. (140 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 6 allowed webs, 60 second cooldown. (140 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 8 allowed webs, 45 second cooldown. (140 mana cost)

    Incapacitating Bite (passive;orb effect)

    Gives the Broodmother venoms which will greatly reduce the target's ability to function, and deals extra damage.

    Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 10%, and adds 2 damage.
    Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 20%, and adds 4 damage.
    Level 3 - Gives a 20% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 30%, and adds 6 damage.
    Level 4 - Gives a 25% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 40%, and adds 8 damage.

    Orb effect.

    Insatiable Hunger (ultimate)

    The Broodmother develops a violent thirst for vital fluids. This lust greatly increases her attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - 60 bonus damage, 40% life steal. (100 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 75 bonus damage, 50% life steal. (100 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 90 bonus damage, 60% life steal. (100 mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Mortred (Phantom Assassin)

    Born into the reclusive Night Elf order known as the Wardens and shunned by mainstream Night Elf society, Mortred pledged allegiance to the Scourge to take revenge. A perfect blend of strength and speed, the years spent alone in the forests of Ashenvale allowed her to blend into the terrain, appearing phantomlike at times and striking when you least expect it. The deadly precision with which she carries out her attacks have made her a valuable member of the Scourge, and it is clear why she is known as the Phantom Assassin.

    Strength - 17 + 2.05 (473 base hp;1404 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 23 + 3.15
    Intelligence - 13 + 1.0 (169 base mana;481 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-48 (1.38 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.2 (20% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.53 mana per second
    Final attack - 121-123 (0.86 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 15 (47% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.23 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.49 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 310

    Shadow Strike

    Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

    Level 1 - 50 strike damage, 10 duration damage. (90 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 70 strike damage, 20 duration damage. (105 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 70 strike damage, 40 duration damage. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage. (135 mana cost;22 second cooldown)

    Blink Strike

    Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.
    Costs 50 mana.

    Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, deals 30 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 20 second cooldown, deals 60 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 10 second cooldown, deals 90 extra damage. (50 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 5 second cooldown, deals 120 extra damage. (50 mana cost)

    Blur (passive)

    The Phantom Assassin becomes hard to see by blurring her body. Some enemy attacks miss.

    Level 1 - 7% dodge.
    Level 2 - 14% dodge.
    Level 3 - 21% dodge.
    Level 4 - 28% dodge.

    Coup de Graรƒยงe (passive;ultimate)

    Mortred has refined her hero-killing skills to a high degree.

    Level 1 - 15% chance to 2.0x critical.
    Level 2 - 15% chance to 3.0x critical.
    Level 3 - 15% chance to 4.0x critical.

    Medusa (Gorgon)

    The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone. Though she hasn't developed a stoney glare, her combat skills will freeze even the strongest of fighters in submission. Her years of archery has allowed her to fire multiple arrows with keen accuracy. Manipulation of magic grants her a shield of mana to absorb physical impact. Channeling electrons within the air, she can ignite an electric spark that will jump from foe to foe. Her legendary name is well earned.

    Strength - 14 + 1.85 (416 base hp;1252 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 20 + 2.5
    Intelligence - 19 + 1.85 (247 base mana;819 final mana)
    Base attack - 44-50 (1.42 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.8 (9% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.67 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.77 mana per second
    Final attack - 104-110 (0.94 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.4 (38% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.99 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.52 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1200
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300

    Split Shot (activatable passive)

    Medusa magically splits her shot into three arrows. These arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage.

    Level 1 - 45% damage
    Level 2 - 55% damage
    Level 3 - 65% damage
    Level 4 - 75% damage

    Chain Lightning

    Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy within 700 range that jumps to enemies within 500 AoE. Each jump deals 15% less damage.

    Level 1 - 75 damage, jumps 3 times. (90 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage, jumps 5 times. (105 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage, jumps 7 times. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 290 damage, jumps 9 times. (145 mana cost;11 second cooldown)

    Mana Shield

    Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Medusa's mana.

    Level 1 - .75 damage per point of mana. (50 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - 1.25 damage per point of mana. (50 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1.5 damage per point of mana. (50 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 4 - 2 damage per point of mana. (50 initial mana cost;no cooldown)

    Purge (ultimate)

    Casts a powerful anti-magic buff at a target enemy unit. Slows movement and attack speeds for 5 seconds. Also deals 600 damage to summoned units.

    Level 1 - Slows speed by a factor of 2. (60 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Slows speed by a factor of 3. (60 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Slows speed by a factor of 5. (60 mana cost;12 second cooldown)

    Balanar (Night Stalker)

    Balanar was one of the elite Dreadlords before the Burning Legion fell. Now with the Burning Legion gone, he lives his life attacking villages and ambushing his most hated enemy - the Night Elves. He draws upon his power from the moon, thus he is much stronger at night. Balanar can also use his control over time to change the time to night that further strengthens his power. His presence inspires fear into the heart of many.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.8 (587 base hp;1860 final hp)
    Agility - 18 + 2.25
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.25 (208 base mana;598 final mana)
    Base attack - 47-51 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 5.5 (24% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 114-118 (0.99 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 13.2 (44% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.95 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 1.85 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295


    Creates a damaging void. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 90 damage. (90 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 160 damage. (115 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 255 damage. (130 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 335 damage. (145 mana cost;7 second cooldown)

    Crippling Fear

    In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells.

    Level 1 - Miss on 10% of attacks. Lasts 5 seconds. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Miss on 20% of attacks. Lasts 6 seconds. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Miss on 30% of attacks. Lasts 7 seconds. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Miss on 40% of attacks. Lasts 8 seconds. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)

    Hunter in the Night (passive)

    The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.

    Level 1 - 15% movement speed, 20% attack speed.
    Level 2 - 20% movement speed, 35% attack speed.
    Level 3 - 30% movement speed, 55% attack speed.
    Level 4 - 35% movement speed, 75% attack speed.

    Darkness (ultimate)

    Creates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.

    Level 1 - Turns day into a 25 second night. (no mana cost;234 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Turns day into a 50 second night. (no mana cost;204 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Turns day into a 80 second night. (no mana cost;174 second cooldown)

    King Leoric (Skeleton King)

    Once a noble knight protecting his kingdom, the man was thrown into Hell, where he was ripped apart over and over for centuries. Now, Lucifer has thrown him back onto the soil, corrupted and mindless, as King Leoric, the Skeleton King. He marches on, leading his minions with an unfaltering gaze, knowing only one thing: the orders given to him by the dark lord himself. Able to cripple his opponents with a powerful magical hammer, King Leoric is a major threat on the battlefield. His mighty blade allows him and others in his presence to drain the blood of their enemies. It is said that he is unkillable, and those who are struck down by his hammer don't wake up again.

    Strength (primary) - 22 + 2.9 (568 base hp;1879 final hp)
    Agility - 18 + 1.7
    Intelligence - 13 + 1.6 (169 base mana;663 final mana)
    Base attack - 54-56 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.5 (17% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.53 mana per second
    Final attack - 123-125 (1.08 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.2 (35% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.98 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.04 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Storm Bolt

    A magical hammer is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - 100 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 200 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 250 damage. (140 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Vampiric Aura (passive)

    Allied melee units within 600 AoE gain hit points when they hit enemy units.

    Level 1 - Gains 5% of attack damage.
    Level 2 - Gains 10% of attack damage.
    Level 3 - Gains 15% of attack damage.
    Level 4 - Gains 20% of attack damage.

    Critical Strike (passive)

    Gives a 15% chance to do more damage on an attack.

    Level 1 - 1.25 times normal damage.
    Level 2 - 1.75 times normal damage.
    Level 3 - 2.25 times normal damage.
    Level 4 - 2.75 times normal damage.

    Reincarnation (ultimate;passive)

    When killed the Skeleton King will come back to life.

    Level 1 - 300 second cooldown. (100 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 220 second cooldown. (150 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 140 second cooldown. (200 mana cost)

    Lucifer (Doom Bringer)

    Lucifer was the leader of the Doomguard attack force of the burning legion in the first attack by the dark lord Sargeras. With his original master long gone, Lucifer grants his undying loyalty to the Scourge to finish what his lord once started. Devouring the insignificant for his greed while dissipating the souls of those brave and strong enough to withstand his strength and the heat of his fiery haven of burning earth, Lucifer takes no prisoners and makes sure those who persevere through his wrath die by the agonizing and burning pain of Doom itself.

    Strength (primary) - 26 + 3.2 (644 base hp;2088 final hp)
    Agility - 11 + 0.9
    Intelligence - 16 + 2.1 (208 base mana;858 final mana)
    Base attack - 53-69 (1.53 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.5 (17% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 1.03 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 129-145 (1.29 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.5 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.31 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.65 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 150 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300


    Swallows an enemy unit for a short period of time, digesting it and dealing 20 damage per second. Give bonus gold when the devoured unit is killed.
    Level 1 - Gives 10 bonus gold, can only devour enemy creeps or non-ancient neutral creeps that are no higher than level 1. (50 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Gives 20 bonus gold, can only devour enemy creeps or non-ancient neutral creeps that are no higher than level 2. (45 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Gives 30 bonus gold, and can only devour enemy creeps or non-ancient neutral creeps that are no higher than level 4. (40 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Gives 40 bonus gold, and can only devour enemy creeps or non-ancient neutral creeps that are no higher than level 6. (35 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Scorched Earth

    Blankets the ground in flames, damaging enemies and healing the Doombringer. Also increases Lucifer's attack and movement speed.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - 1 damage/health a second, 10% increased speed. (60 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 2 damage/health a second, 15% increased speed. (60 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 3 damage/health a second, 20% increased speed. (60 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 4 damage/health a second, 30% increased speed. (60 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    LVL? Death

    Dissipates a piece of a target's soul. Deals 250 bonus damage if the target's level is a multiple of a specific number.

    Level 1 - Deals 100 damage, 6 multiplier. (85 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 150 damage, 5 multiplier. (105 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 200 damage, 4 multiplier. (125 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 250 damage, 3 multiplier. (145 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Doom (ultimate)

    The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take damage per second.

    Level 1 - Deals 40 damage per second. Lasts 12 seconds. (150 mana cost;180 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 60 damage per second. Lasts 14 seconds. (200 mana cost;150 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 80 damage per second. Lasts 16 seconds. (250 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
  5. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    Anub'arak (Nerubian Assassin)

    Anub'arak was once the greatest champion of the Nerubians, but fell in the Second War of the Spider. He was resurrected by the Lich King Ner'zhul, who promised him eternal undeath in exchange for his unswerving loyalty. His layers of spiked armor are nearly impregnable, causing severe damage to attackers. When threatened, he shoots these spikes through enemies maiming and disorienting them. He channels his dark powers into a bolt of disarming negative energy, and those who witness him blending into the shadows of the frozen tundra have never lived to tell the tale.

    Strength - 18 + 2.0 (492 base hp;1404 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 19 + 2.2
    Intelligence - 18 + 2.1 (234 base mana;884 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-53 (1.43 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.7 (18% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 101-105 (0.99 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.1 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.23 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.73 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300


    Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake.

    Level 1 - 80 damage, .75 second stun. (95 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 160 damage, 1.25 second stun. (115 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 230 damage, 1.75 second stun. (135 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage, 2.25 second stun. (155 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Mana Burn

    Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana. Burned mana combusts, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned.

    Level 1 - Burns up to 70 mana. (65 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Burns up to 120 mana. (85 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Burns up to 185 mana. (100 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Burns up to 260 mana. (115 mana cost;6 second cooldown)

    Spiked Carapace (passive)

    The Nerubian Assassin forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increases its defense and returns damage to enemy melee attackers.

    Level 1 - 10% damage returned, 2 bonus armor.
    Level 2 - 20% damage returned, 4 bonus armor.
    Level 3 - 30% damage returned, 6 bonus armor.
    Level 4 - 40% damage returned, 8 bonus armor.

    Vendetta (ultimate)

    The Nerubian Assassin turns invisible for a short period of time, and can break his invisibility with an incredibly damaging attack.
    Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 225 backstab damage and increases movespeed by 10%. (160 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 375 backstab damage and increases movespeed by 15%. (210 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 525 backstab damage and increases movespeed by 20%. (260 mana cost;90 second cooldown)

    Slardar (Slithereen Guard)

    The mighty king of the Naga race, Slardar was awoken from the depths of the sea after the invasion of the Burning Legion. Finding the world consumed by chaos, he found it a perfect opportunity to strike down the hated Night Elves. Allying with the scourge, Slardar uses his immense strength and power to stun and crush his enemies, and his mighty trident can cleave the strongest armor with ease.

    Strength (primary) - 21 + 2.8 (549 base hp;1822 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 1.9
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.5 (195 base mana;663 final mana)
    Base attack - 51-59 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.4 (2% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.88 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 118-126 (1.05 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.8 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.88 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.04 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300


    Slardar increases his movement speed dramatically, but takes 20% bonus damage.
    Lasts 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - Increases speed by 10%. (50 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Increases speed by 20%. (50 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Increases speed by 30%. (50 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Increases speed by 40%. (50 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Slithereen Crush

    Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. Slows enemy units by 20% for 2 seconds afterwards.

    Level 1 - 50 damage, 1 second stun. (80 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 75 damage, 1.5 second stun. (95 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 100 damage, 2 second stun. (105 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 150 damage, 2.5 second stun. (115 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Bash (passive)

    Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.

    Level 1 - 10% chance per attack.
    Level 2 - 15% chance per attack.
    Level 3 - 20% chance per attack.
    Level 4 - 25% chance per attack.

    Amplify Damage (ultimate)

    Amplifies physical damage against enemy units by reducing their armor.

    Level 1 - 5 armor penalty. (75 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 10 armor penalty. (100 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 15 armor penalty. (125 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Akasha (Queen of Pain)

    Akasha is one of the many souls claimed by the blade, Frostmourne. Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, she desired to become pure substance once more. Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion. Rightly bearing the title, Queen of Pain, she enjoys nothing more than inflicting massive damage on her foes, using both the poisonous strikes of her succubus host and the vicious howls retained from her Banshee nature. Akasha breaks her enemies' eardrums with torturing screams, some so loud they manifest into powerful waves that ripple across the lands, shattering all in their wake.

    Strength - 16 + 1.7 (454 base hp;1214 final hp)
    Agility - 18 + 2.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 19 + 2.5 (247 base mana;1027 final mana)
    Base attack - 40-48 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.5 (8% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.77 mana per second
    Final attack - 100-108 (1.02 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.4 (33% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.93 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.17 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300

    Shadow Strike

    Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

    Level 1 - 50 strike damage, 10 duration damage. (90 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 70 strike damage, 20 duration damage. (105 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 70 strike damage, 40 duration damage. (120 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage. (135 mana cost;22 second cooldown)


    Short distance teleportation that allows one to move in and out of combat.
    Costs 60 mana.

    Level 1 - 12 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 9 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 7 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 5 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)

    Scream of Pain

    The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream, damaging enemies within 350 aoe.

    Level 1 - 85 damage per target. (85 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 165 damage per target. (105 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage per target. (120 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage per target. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Sonic Wave (ultimate)

    Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals heavy damage to all units in a line.

    Level 1 - 290 damage. (250 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 430 damage. (360 mana cost;100 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 600 damage. (500 mana cost;80 second cooldown)

    Sonic Wave under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    From: 290 / 430 / 600
    To: 340 / 530 / 725

    Bone Clinkz (Bone Fletcher)

    An elvish archer in life; a nightmare in death. With only his arrows left of his past life, he exists now only to perfect his archery. He moves like the wind, shooting his flaming arrows just as fast, and isn't above sacrificing the Scourge's own soldiers for his purposes.

    Strength - 15 + 1.6 (435 base hp;1157 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 3.0
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.55 (208 base mana;689 final mana)
    Base attack - 37-43 (1.39 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.1 (11% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 109-115 (0.88 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 12.4 (42% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.84 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.13 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300


    Fire a large number of arrows in a short time period.
    Lasts 10 seconds.

    Level 1 - 20% increased attack speed. (90 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40% increased attack speed. (90 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 60% increased attack speed. (90 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 80% increased attack speed. (90 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Searing Arrows

    Increases the damage of the Hero's attack by adding fire. If you learn this during wind walk the first time, you will lose the invisibility.

    Level 1 - 10 bonus damage. (8 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 20 bonus damage. (8 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 30 bonus damage. (8 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 40 bonus damage. (8 mana cost;0 second cooldown)

    Wind Walk

    Turn invisible for a period of time, increasing movement speed.

    Level 1 - 7% increased movement speed, 20 seconds. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 14% increased movement speed, 25 seconds. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 21% increased movement speed, 30 seconds. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 28% increased movement speed, 35 seconds. (75 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Death Pact (ultimate)

    Kills a target friendly unit, returning a percentage of its life.

    Level 1 - 55% conversion. (185 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 95% conversion. (255 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 135% conversion. (305 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Darkterror (Faceless Void)

    They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move...

    Strength - 17 + 2.2 (473 base hp;1461 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 2.65
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.5 (195 base mana;663 final mana)
    Base attack - 58-64 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4 (19% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 107-113 (0.92 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 13 (43% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.31 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.04 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Time Walk

    Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units withing 300 aoe at the end of its path for 3 seconds.

    Level 1 - 700 cast range. 10% slow. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 900 cast range. 20% slow. (120 mana cost;12 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 1100 cast range. 30% slow. (120 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 1300 cast range. 40% slow. (120 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Backtrack (passive)

    Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks.

    Level 1 - 10% chance.
    Level 2 - 15% chance.
    Level 3 - 20% chance.
    Level 4 - 25% chance

    Time Lock (passive)

    Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time for 1 second.

    Level 1 - 10% chance per attack, 40 bonus damage.
    Level 2 - 15% chance per attack, 50 bonus damage.
    Level 3 - 20% chance per attack, 60 bonus damage.
    Level 4 - 25% chance per attack, 70 bonus damage.

    Chronosphere (ultimate)

    Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere. Casting range increases per level. 1 second casting time.

    Level 1 - 3 Seconds. (175 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 4.5 Seconds. (200 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 6 Seconds. (225 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
  6. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
    edit: This is now section 2 of the Scourge list.

    Viper (Netherdrake)

    A malicious Drake tamed by the Lich King himself, Viper is a fierce, acid-spitting beast whose speed and agility surprises the most hardened of warriors. Cursing himself into a maddened rage, Viper charges into battle without regard of his own safety. His salivary glands produce stinging poison that causes enemies to writhe in pain, severely damaging their nerves. Be careful when facing this powerful monster...its dark silhouette may be the last thing you will ever see.

    Strength - 17 + 1.9 (473 base hp;1328 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 21 + 2.5
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.8 (195 base mana;754 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-51 (1.4 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2 (10% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 109-11 (0.94 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.5 (38% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.11 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.32 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1200
    Attack range - 575 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300


    Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.

    Level 1 - 25% increase, 5% damage taken increase. (80 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase. (90 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase. (110 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase. (130 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Poison Attack

    Coats Viper's attack with poison. Slows movement and attack speeds and lasts 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - Slows speed by 10%, deals 6 damage per second. (20 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Slows speed by 20%, deals 12 damage per second. (20 mana cost;3 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Slows speed by 30%, deals 18 damage per second. (20 mana cost;0 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Slows speed by 40%, deals 24 damage per second. (20 mana cost;0 second cooldown)

    Corrosive Skin (passive)

    Viper's body is covered with poison. Any unit that attacks it becomes infected. Reduced movement and attack speed and minor damage for 3 seconds. The poison also absorbs some of the damage from spells.

    Level 1 - 5% reduction, 5 damage per second. 5% magic reduction.
    Level 2 - 10% reduction, 10 damage per second. 10% magic reduction.
    Level 3 - 15% reduction, 15 damage per second. 15% magic reduction.
    Level 4 - 20% reduction, 20 damage per second. 20% magic reduction.

    Viper Strike (ultimate)

    Strikes with a vicious bite, slowing movement and attack speeds significantly and dealing poison damage over time. Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 60 damage per second and slows speeds by 40%. (125 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second and slows speeds by 60%. (175 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 145 damage per second and slows speeds by 80%. (250 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Razor (Lightning Revenant)

    Razor is lightning incarnate. It is a living being, capable only of unleashing it's tremendous electrical power to anything and everything nearby. The only indication of sentience from it is its ability to control its surges, which never seems to actually strike any it would call friend. Like its namesake, it cuts to the bone, with speed and accuracy, sometimes jumping from one thing to another. It's unnatural form gives it speed, and a thirst for blood. It is a force to be reckoned with, and only the strong dare face it.

    Strength - 17 + 1.9 (473 base hp;1328 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 22 + 2.5
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.8 (182 base mana;741 final mana)
    Base attack - 37-39 (1.39 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.1 (11% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 97-99 (0.93 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.7 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.11 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.29 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 2000
    Attack range - 550 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295


    Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.

    Level 1 - 25% increase, 5% damage taken increase. (80 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase. (90 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase. (110 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase. (130 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Chain Lightning

    Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy within 700 range that jumps to enemies within 500 AoE. Each jump deals 15% less damage.

    Level 1 - 75 damage, jumps 3 times. (90 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage, jumps 5 times. (105 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage, jumps 7 times. (125 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 290 damage, jumps 9 times. (145 mana cost;11 second cooldown)

    Unholy Fervor (passive)

    Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of Razor.

    Level 1 - 3% movement, 0.5 hp/sec regeneration bonus.
    Level 2 - 5% movement, 1.0 hp/sec regeneration bonus.
    Level 3 - 8% movement, 1.5 hp/sec regeneration bonus.
    Level 4 - 10% movement, 2.0 hp/sec regeneration bonus.

    Storm Seeker (passive;ultimate)

    Summons a storm that permenantly follows Razor. Every 3.25 seconds, it strikes Razor's enemies within 500 AoE with savage lightning bolts.

    Level 1 - Deals 60 damage.
    Level 2 - Deals 90 damage.
    Level 3 - Deals 120 damage.

    N'aix (Lifestealer)

    There once was a man in Lordaeron so consumed by greed that he was beyond remorse. Eventually caught trying to steal Prince Arthas' sacred ring, he was tried and hanged. Yet his body, so corrupted by his desire to steal, had risen by itself in the form of a monstrous ghoul. So came into being N'aix, his old name long forgotten: the embodiment of lust and greed, bent on stealing the life of every living creature he encounters.

    Strength (primary) - 15 + 1.4 (435 base hp;1062 final hp)
    Agility - 26 + 4.05
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.5 (195 base mana;663 final mana)
    Base attack - 39-49 (1.35 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.7 (21% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 72-82 (0.76 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 18.5 (52% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.69 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.04 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295

    Feast (passive)

    N'aix restores some of his life force by eating flesh.

    Level 1 - Regains 10% of attack damage.
    Level 2 - Regains 20% of attack damage.
    Level 3 - Regains 30% of attack damage.
    Level 4 - Regains 40% of attack damage.

    Poison Sting (passive)

    N'aix's attacks sting, adding a slight poison-based damage and significantly slowing movement speed.
    Lasts 2 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 2 damage per second and slows movement speed by 10%.
    Level 2 - Deals 4 damage per second and slows movement speed by 20%.
    Level 3 - Deals 7 damage per second and slows movement speed by 30%.
    Level 4 - Deals 10 damage per second and slows movement speed by 40%.

    Anabolic Frenzy (passive)

    Increases the attack speed and movement of N'aix.

    Level 1 - 3% movement and 10% attack.
    Level 2 - 5% movement and 20% attack.
    Level 3 - 7% movement and 30% attack.
    Level 4 - 9% movement and 40% attack.

    Rage (ultimate)

    Shrugging off magic spells as if they were insects, N'aix closes in on his prey, poison oozing from his jaws and a maddened rage in his eyes...

    Level 1 - Adds 10 bonus damage and lasts for 10 seconds. (150 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Adds 15 bonus damage and lasts for 15 seconds. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Adds 20 bonus damage and lasts for 20 seconds. (250 mana cost;90 second cooldown)

    Leshrac the Malicious (Tormented Soul)

    Torment around me. Torment in me. Torment be with me. And let us conquer our foes. They do not understand our pain. Do you? No. Not a soul can. And for that, We shall make them feel the torment... The torment that inhabits my soul.

    Strength - 14 + 1.5 (416 base hp;1100 final hp)
    Agility - 23 + 1.7
    Intelligence (primary) - 26 + 3.0 (338 base mana;1274 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-49 (1.38 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.67 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 1.05 mana per second
    Final attack - 117-121 (1.04 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9 (35% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.75 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.93 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300

    Split Earth

    Splits the earth under your enemies' feet. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration.

    Level 1 - Deals 70 damage and stuns for 1.25 second. 150 aoe. (100 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 140 damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds. 175 aoe. (125 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 210 damage and stuns for 1.75 seconds. 200 aoe. (140 mana cost;10 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 290 damage and stuns for 2 seconds. 225 aoe. (160 mana cost;10 second cooldown)

    Diabolic Edict

    Saturates the area around Leshrac with magic, causing random explosions to enemies within 500 aoe.
    Lasts 8 seconds.

    Level 1 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 12.5 damage. Total 400 damage. (95 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 25 damage. Total 800 damage. (120 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 37.5 damage. Total 1200 damage. (135 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 50 damage. Total 1600 damage. (155 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Lightning Storm

    Calls a lightning storm that hits nearby enemies.

    Level 1 - 80 damage, jumps twice. (100 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 145 damage, jumps three times. (115 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 205 damage, jumps four times. (130 mana cost;7 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 265 damage, jumps five times. (145 mana cost;7 second cooldown)

    Pulse Nova (ultimate)

    Summons a Pulse Nova every second to damage nearby enemies.

    Level 1 - 66 damage per nova. (143 initial mana cost;20 mana per second thereafter;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - 100 damage per nova. (165 initial mana cost;40 mana per second thereafter;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - 144 damage per nova. (187 initial mana cost;60 mana per second thereafter;no cooldown)

    Pulse Nova under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per second
    From: 66 / 100 / 144
    To: 88 / 133 / 177

    Pugna (Oblivion)

    Forcefully raised from the dead with little memory of his former self, Pugna is truly a terrible sight to behold. Retaining traces of necromantic magic, this shamble of bones finds sadistic pleasure in temporarily sending his enemies into a tormented dimension and greeting their return with a blast of unholy energy. Those who survived an encounter with the horror often recount with fearful eyes of how the Oblivion literally drains life from his enemies, giving him a brief, but satisfying, taste of the living.

    Strength - 17 + 1.45 (473 base hp;1119 final hp)
    Agility - 16 + 1.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 26 + 4.0 (338 base mana;1586 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-53 (1.47 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.2 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.76 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 1.05 mana per second
    Final attack - 141-149 (1.21 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 4.7 (21% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.78 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 4.88 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 315

    Nether Blast

    Creates a blast of exploding pulses from the Nether Plane, dealing damage to units and buildings.

    Level 1 - Deals 100 damage to units in an area. (85 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 175 damage to units in an area. (105 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 250 damage to units in an area. (125 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 325 damage to units in an area. (145 mana cost;5 second cooldown)


    Pugna casts a powerful banishing magic on a unit. The unit is sent to the ethereal plane for a small period of time, reducing its movement speed by 50% and rendering it unable to attack. It takes 40% extra damage from spells. 1.5 second casting time.

    Level 1 - 13 second cooldown, lasts 2 seconds. (100 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 11 second cooldown, lasts 2.5 seconds. (100 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 9 second cooldown, lasts 3 seconds. (100 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 7 second cooldown, lasts 3.5 seconds. (100 mana cost)

    Nether Ward

    Summons a Nether Ward that prevents enemy heroes from regenerating mana and can cast Mana Flare, which deals damage to enemy heroes as they cast spells. Lasts 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - Summons a 75HP ward that suppresses the enemies' spellcasting abilities. Passively reduces the enemies' mana regeneration by 150%, and can cast Mana Flare which deals 0.75 times damage to any unit that casts a spell per mana spent. Has an AoE of 700. (80 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Level 2 - Summons a 150HP ward that suppresses the enemies' spellcasting abilities. Passively reduces the enemies' mana regeneration by 300% and can cast Mana Flare which deals 1 times damage to any unit that casts a spell per mana spent. Has an AoE of 1000. (80 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Level 3 - Summons a 225HP ward that suppresses the enemies' spellcasting abilities. Passively reduces the enemies' mana regeneration by 450% and can cast Mana Flare which deals 1.25 times damage to any unit that casts a spell per mana spent. Has an AoE of 1300. (80 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Level 4 - Summons a 300HP ward that suppresses the enemies' spellcasting abilities. Passively reduces the enemies' mana regeneration by 600% and can cast Mana Flare which deals 1.5 times damage to any unit that casts a spell per mana spent. Has an AoE of 1600. (80 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Life Drain (ultimate)

    Pugna summons a very powerful draining magic that absorbs the life essence of an enemy unit.
    Lasts 9 seconds.

    Level 1 - 95 hit point drain per second. (125 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 140 hit point drain per second. (175 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 185 hit point drain per second. (225 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Life Drain under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per second
    From: 95 / 140 / 185
    To: 170 / 200 / 300

    Mana cost
    From: 125 / 175 / 225
    To: 175 / 225 / 275

    From: 500 / 500 / 500
    To: 550 / 550 / 550

    Leviathan (Tidehunter)

    Greatest of the sea giants, Leviathan was sealed away in the aftermath of the war between the Old Gods and the Titans in ancient times. Now released by the Lich King to aid in his crusade against the Sentinel, he cleaves through waves of enemies with his mighty anchor, breaking enemy sieges before they even begin. As terrible a foe on land as he is in water, those who stand before the Tidehunter are swept away in a sea of spikes, eviscerated as he closes in to pulverize those left to receive his wrath.

    Strength (primary) - 22 + 3.0 (568 base hp;1936 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.5
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.7 (208 base mana;738 final mana)
    Base attack - 47-53 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.9 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 119-125 (1.13 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 8.2 (32% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.07 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.25 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300


    Summons a spirit of the tides to damage an enemy unit.

    Reduces the movement speed by 40% and armor of the enemy unit. Lasts 4 seconds.

    Level 1 - Reduces armor by 2, deals 110 damage. (120 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Reduces armor by 3, deals 160 damage. (120 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Reduces armor by 4, deals 210 damage. (120 mana cost;8 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Reduces armor by 5, deals 260 damage. (120 mana cost;8 second cooldown)

    Kraken Shell (passive)

    Creates a thick armor shell around Leviathan that protects him against attacks. Additionally, this ability occasionally removes negative buffs.

    Level 1 - Reduces attack damage by 5.
    Level 2 - Reduces attack damage by 10.
    Level 3 - Reduces attack damage by 15.
    Level 4 - Reduces attack damage by 20.

    Anchor Smash (passive)

    Leviathan swings his mighty anchor with a vengeance. Gives a 20% chance to deal bonus damage to nearby enemies.

    Level 1 - Deals 75 damage in a small radius.
    Level 2 - Deals 115 damage in a small radius.
    Level 3 - Deals 155 damage in a small radius.
    Level 4 - Deals 200 damage in a small radius.

    Ravage (ultimate)

    Slams the ground, causing waves of spikes to ring the hero in all directions in 800 AoE. Deals damage and stuns for a period of time.

    Level 1 - Deals 250 damage. 1.2 seconds stun. (150 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 350 damage. 1.5 seconds stun. (225 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 450 damage. 1.8 seconds stun. (325 mana cost;90 second cooldown)

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link
  7. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link

    Atropos (Bane Elemental)

    Atropos is an elemental force personifying the nightmares and fear of this world. He manifests where there is promise of inflicting horror and feeding off dread. Sapping his foes' psyche heals him. Manifesting his enemies' fears, he greatly enfeebles their ability to fight. He revels in disabling foes by sending them into dread slumber. When need be he can rip his soul and force it into his foes, effectively immobilizing them with despair and pain. Atropos is, in one word, Fear.

    Strength - 18 + 2.1 (492 base hp;1442 final hp)
    Agility - 18 + 2.1
    Intelligence (primary) - 18 + 2.1 (234 base mana;884 final mana)
    Base attack - 51-57 (1.44 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.5 (17% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 101-107 (1.01 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.7 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.29 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.73 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 400 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305


    Greatly reduces an enemy unit's ability to participate in combat. Reduces its damage and life regeneration. Lasts 20 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduces attack damage by 20% and life regeneration by 1 hit point per second. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Reduces attack damage by 40% and life regeneration by 2 hit points per second. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Reduces attack damage by 60% and life regeneration by 3 hit points per second. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Reduces attack damage by 80% and life regeneration by 4 hit points per second. (125 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Brain Sap

    Feasts on the vital energies of an enemy unit, absorbing some of its hit points.

    Level 1 - Absorbs 75 hit points. (125 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Absorbs 150 hit points. (150 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Absorbs 225 hit points. (175 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Absorbs 300 hit points. (200 mana cost;20 second cooldown)


    Puts another unit into a fitful slumber, filled with horrifying nightmares. It takes 20 damage per second. If that unit is attacked while it slumbers, the attacking unit comes under the effect of Nightmare.

    Level 1 - Lasts 4 seconds. (165 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 5 seconds. (165 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 6 seconds. (165 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Lasts 7 seconds. (165 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Fiend's Grip (ultimate)

    Uses dark magic to grip a target enemy unit and damage it heavily. It cannot move or attack.
    Lasts 5 seconds.

    Level 1 - Deals 100 damage per second, costs 40 mana and hit points per second. (100 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 155 damage per second, costs 60 mana and hit points per second. (175 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 215 damage per second, costs 80 mana and hit points per second. (250 mana cost;120 second cooldown)

    Rotund'jere (Necrolyte)

    Slain for sins of heresy by men who declared themselves holy, death only gifted Rotund'Jere with an immense wrath for the living, that he can express by sending evil spirits at his foes. Taking pleasure and growing more powerful every time a living thing dies by his hands, each step of his reeks of death, and his very presence makes living things rot and wither. Now a master of torture and pain, the Necrolyte mercilessly slays any weaklings who might cross his path, always with a nasty smile on his dead face.

    Strength - 16 + 2.0 (454 base hp;1366 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.7
    Intelligence (primary) - 22 + 2.5 (286 base mana;1066 final mana)
    Base attack - 44-48 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.89 mana per second
    Final attack - 104-108 (1.1 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 6.8 (28% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.17 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.19 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290

    Death Pulse

    The Necrolyte releases a wave of death from the core of his being, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies.

    Level 1 - 75 damage/50 heal. (125 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 125 damage/75 heal. (145 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 200 damage/100 heal. (165 mana cost;5 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 275 damage/130 heal. (185 mana cost;5 second cooldown)

    Diffusion Aura (passive)

    A 450 range aura that makes the might of an enemy leak out in the presence of Rotund'jere.

    Level 1 - 9% damage reduction.
    Level 2 - 18% damage reduction.
    Level 3 - 27% damage reduction.
    Level 4 - 36% damage reduction.

    Sadist (passive)

    Reveling in death and pain, the Necrolyte regains mana for killing units.

    Level 1 - 12 mana per unit.
    Level 2 - 24 mana per unit.
    Level 3 - 36 mana per unit.
    Level 4 - 48 mana per unit.

    Reaper's Scythe (ultimate)

    Brings a target to full realization of its own mortality, dealing damage based on how much life the target is missing. Stuns for 1.5 seconds.

    Level 1 - .4 damage per life missing. (200 mana cost;80 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - .6 damage per life missing. (340 mana cost;80 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - .9 damage per life missing. (500 mana cost;80 second cooldown)

    Reaper's Scythe under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    Damage per hit point missing
    From: 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.9
    To: 0.6 / 0.9 / 1.1

    From: 150 / 120 / 70
    To: 120 / 70 / 70

    Pudge (Butcher)

    Showing the power of Death in brute force, Pudge roams the battlefield searching for flesh to assimilate to his own gruesome body. Over the years, his skin has toughened to resist magic, while developing a stench potent enough to kill the bravest of heroes. With his hook he can drag enemies to their demise by his great maw in a matter of seconds. The Butcher is a monstrosity feared by enemies and allies alike.

    Strength (primary) - 25 + 3.2 (625 base hp;2069 final hp)
    Agility - 14 + 1.5
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.5 (182 base mana;650 final mana)
    Base attack - 52-58 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2 (10% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 1.0 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 128-134 (1.13 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 7.1 (29% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 3.28 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.0 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 285

    Meat Hook

    Launches a bloody hook at a unit or location. The hook will snag the first target it encounters, dealing damage then dragging the victim back to the Butcher.

    Level 1 - 400 range, 100 damage. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 600 range, 200 damage. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 800 range, 300 damage. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 1000 range, 400 damage. (140 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Rot (activatable passive)

    Pudge releases the disease and filth inside of him, dealing intense damage to and slowing enemies within 200 range by 20% while hurting Pudge as well.

    Level 1 - 25 damage/second.
    Level 2 - 50 damage/second.
    Level 3 - 75 damage/second.
    Level 4 - 100 damage/second.

    Flesh Heap (passive)

    Pudge is made of innumerable rotting corpses, giving him extra protection against spells as well as the chance to add more to his bulk.

    Level 1 - 4% magic reduction, 0.03 strength bonus per unit kill, 0.3 for hero kill.
    Level 2 - 8% magic reduction, 0.06 strength bonus per unit kill, 0.6 per hero kill.
    Level 3 - 12% magic reduction, 0.09 strength bonus per unit kill, 0.9 per hero kill.
    Level 4 - 16% magic reduction, 0.12 strength bonus per unit kill, 1.2 per hero kill.

    Dismember (ultimate;channeling)

    Chows down on a target, causing excruciating pain. Lasts 6 seconds on units, 3 seconds on heroes at all levels.

    Level 1 - 75 damage/second. (100 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 125 damage/second. (130 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 175 damage/second. (170 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Barathrum (Spiritbreaker)

    An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum's uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.5 (587 base hp;1727 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 1.7
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.8 (195 base mana;754 final mana)
    Base attack - 45-55 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 5.4 (24% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 105-115 (1.08 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 11.1 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.74 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.32 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295

    Charge of Darkness

    Barathrum fixes his sight on an enemy and accelerates towards it. As you increase speed, you begin to merge with the shadows around you, becoming difficult to see until you stop the Charge or hit your target. Upon leaving the shadows, Barathrum shocks his opponent into an immobile state for some time.

    Level 1 - Accelerates slowly, 1 sec stun. (120 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Accelerates moderately, 1.5 sec stun. (120 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Accelerates fast, 2 sec stun. (120 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Accelerates very fast, 2.5 sec stun. (120 mana cost;40 second cooldown)

    Empowering Haste (passive)

    Causes the Spiritbreaker to swing his weapon faster with higher movement speed, allowing him to deal extra damage. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units (300 AoE).

    Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 2% and damage by 4% of his movement speed.
    Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 4% and damage by 8% of his movement speed.
    Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 6% and damage by 12% of his movement speed.
    Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 8% and damage by 16% of his movement speed.

    Greater Bash (passive)

    Gives a 17% chance to bash enemies across the ground, doing more initial damage and damage as they skid.

    Level 1 - 25 bonus damage, 140 knockback distance.
    Level 2 - 50 bonus damage, 180 knockback distance.
    Level 3 - 75 bonus damage. 220 knockback distance.
    Level 4 - 100 bonus damage. 260 knockback distance.

    Nether Strike (ultimate)

    Moves you next to your target doing extra damage. if you have Greater Bash learned, you will also score a Greater Bash hit. Casting range improves per level.

    Level 1 - 100 bonus damage on hit, casting range of 400. (200 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 200 bonus damage on hit, casting range of 550. (250 mana cost;75 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 300 bonus damage on hit, casting range of 700. (300 mana cost;75 second cooldown)

    Anub'seran (Nerubian Weaver)

    Anub'seran. The name of this creature strikes fear into all of those who have seen the Nerubians. Even the famed assassin Anub'arak is hesitant to fight this beast, which comes from the plane of the spirit world. He can swiftly walk through his enemies, bending their bodies to his will, causing pain while he strides through them. With his powers over the timeless plane, he can also step inside and throw himself into the past to keep himself from death. He can call an attack from the future to strike his foes, making his onslaught more deadly. Anub'seran. Only the fools do not fear his name.

    Strength - 15 + 1.5 (435 base hp;1119 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 14 + 2.5
    Intelligence - 15 + 1.8 (195 base mana;754 final mana
    Base attack - 41-51 (1.49 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1 (5% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.61 mana per second
    Final attack - 101-111 (0.98 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.5 (36% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 1.78 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.32 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 425 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 290


    Raises an invisible Watcher from a corpse. Watchers do not have truesight, have 1 HP, and are magic immune.

    Level 1 - 2 maximum. (50 mana cost;85 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 4 maximum. (50 mana cost;85 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 6 maximum. (50 mana cost;85 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 8 maximum. (50 mana cost;85 second cooldown)


    Nerubian Weaver becomes invisible and has 522 move speed for 4 seconds. Any units passed through will take 90 damage. Lasts 4 seconds

    Level 1 - 13 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 11 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 9 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)
    Level 4 - 7 second cooldown. (60 mana cost)

    Geminate Attack (passive;orb effect)

    Occasionally the Nerubian Weaver will send out two swarms, attacking an opponent twice. You must do an ordered attack to activate this.

    Level 1 - 7 second cooldown.
    Level 2 - 6 second cooldown
    Level 3 - 5 second cooldown
    Level 4 - 4 second cooldown

    Orb effect.

    Time Lapse (ultimate)

    Warps the Weaver 5 Seconds back in time, resetting HP, Mana, and position. Does not effect cooldowns, gold, and XP.

    Level 1 - 120 second cooldown. (150 mana cost)
    Level 2 - 90 second cooldown. (150 mana cost)
    Level 3 - 60 second cooldown. (150 mana cost)

    Nevermore (Shadow Fiend)

    A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

    Strength - 15 + 2.0 (435 base hp;1347 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 20 + 2.4
    Intelligence - 18 + 2.0 (234 base mana;858 final mana)
    Base attack - 35-41 (1.42 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.8 (9% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.7 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 92-98 (0.96 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.13 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.65 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1200
    Attack range - 500 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 295


    Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances (200, 450, and 700 units).

    Level 1 - 75 damage (95 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 150 damage (105 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage (115 mana cost;9 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 300 damage (125 mana cost;9 second cooldown)

    Necromastery (passive)

    Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.

    Level 1 - 16 damage limit.
    Level 2 - 30 damage limit.
    Level 3 - 46 damage limit.
    Level 4 - 60 damage limit.

    Presence of the Dark Lord (passive)

    The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.

    Level 1 - 1 armor reduction.
    Level 2 - 2 armor reduction.
    Level 3 - 3 armor reduction.
    Level 4 - 4 armor reduction.

    Requiem of Souls

    Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect. 1 second casting time.

    Level 1 - Spirits deal 80 damage each. (150 mana cost;115 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Spirits deal 120 damage each. (175 mana cost;105 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Spirits deal 160 damage each. (200 mana cost;95 second cooldown)

    Crixalis (Sand King)

    Crixalis was a normal scorpion in Kalimdor's deserts. For unknown reasons, he evolved much faster than his brothers, growing extremely large. Because he was still susceptible to the Lich King's mind control, he was summoned and is now guarding the Frozen Throne. While much larger, Crixalis still possesses his scorpian abilities, such as the power to burrow into the ground and resurface elsewhere, impaling all in his wake. His tail contains a violent venom, which causes his enemies to explode. Scouts have discovered that he can create large tremors in the ground, killing anyone distracted enough to get near him.

    Strength (primary) - 18 + 2.3 (492 base hp;1537 final hp)
    Agility - 19 + 2.1
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.8 (208 base mana;737 final mana)
    Base attack - 43-59 (1.43 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.7 (13% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 98-114 (1.01 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.8 (37% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.44 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.36 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 128 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300


    The Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, impaling everything above him, then resurfaces.

    Level 1 - 100 damage, 400 maximum range. (140 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 160 damage, 500 maximum range. (140 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 220 damage, 600 maximum range. (140 mana cost;11 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 280 damage, 700 maximum range. (140 mana cost;11 second cooldown)

    Sand Storm

    Sand King creates a fearsome Sand Storm. The storm blinds his enemies and he becomes invisible to them. The storm also causes his opponents to take damage.

    Level 1- 20 damage per second, 200 AOE, invisibility lasts 20 seconds. 0.3 second delay before revealed. (60 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 2- 40 damage per second, 250 AOE, invisibility lasts 40 seconds. 0.6 second delay before revealed. (50 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 3- 60 damage per second, 300 AOE, invisibility lasts 60 seconds. 0.9 second delay before revealed. (40 mana cost;40 second cooldown)
    Level 4- 80 damage per second, 350 AOE, invisibility lasts 80 seconds. 1.2 second delay before revealed. (30 mana cost;40 second cooldown)


    Caustic Finale (passive)

    Each of the Sand King's attacks injects a deadly venom that causes the target to explode violently on death, dealing damage in an area.

    Level 1 - 90 damage.
    Level 2 - 130 damage.
    Level 3 - 170 damage.
    Level 4 - 220 damage.

    Epicenter (ultimate)

    Sends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All caught within range will take damage and their movement and attack speeds will be slowed by 40%. The closer to the epicenter, the more damage taken.

    Level 1 - 2.0 second casting time, 6 pulses of 110 damage, each pulse has 300 aoe. (175 mana cost;140 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 2.0 second casting time, 8 pulses of 110 damage, each pulse has 350 aoe. (250 mana cost;120 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 2.0 second casting time, 10 pulses of 110 damage, each pulse has 400 aoe. (325 mana cost;100 second cooldown)

    Mogul Kahn (Axe)

    In the war of Humans and Orcs that occured long ago many Orcish warriors were corrupted by demonic influence and became tools of blackest darkness. One such warrior was the leader of the Half-Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan; Mogul Kahn. Mogul was slain by human Paladins but mysteriously was seen fighting alongside the Scourge around the time Mannoroth started to command the Orcs in the war against Archimonde. The Axe has been revived by demons and uses his reflexes and powerful blows to hunt down and seek out the Sentinels' agile warriors and cut them down to size, even projecting his lust for war onto them.

    Strength (primary) - 19 + 2.5 (511 base hp;1651 final hp)
    Agility - 22 + 2.2
    Intelligence - 14 + 1.6 (182 base mana;676 final mana)
    Base attack - 43-47 (1.39 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.1 (15% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.57 mana per second
    Final attack - 103-107 (0.98 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.5 (38% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.62 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.09 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 290

    Berserker's Call

    Mogul Kahn focuses all of his enemys' hatred on him, causing them to attack him at all costs.
    275 AoE.

    Level 1 - 1.5 seconds, 5 bonus armor. (80 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 2 seconds, 10 bonus armor. (90 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 2.5 seconds, 15 bonus armor. (100 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 3 seconds, 20 bonus armor. (110 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Battle Hunger

    Afflicts a target with a terrible killing hunger. The target will take damage per second until it kills a unit.

    Level 1 - 15 damage/second, lasts 10 seconds. (105 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 15 damage/second, lasts 15 seconds. (115 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 20 damage/second, lasts 20 seconds. (125 mana cost;25 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 25 damage/second, lasts 25 seconds. (135 mana cost;25 second cooldown)

    Counter Helix (passive)

    Mogul Kahn counters some blows made to him dealing damage to all nearby enemy units.

    Level 1 - 15% chance to counter with 100 damage.
    Level 2 - 15% chance to counter with 125 damage.
    Level 3 - 15% chance to counter with 150 damage.
    Level 4 - 15% chance to counter with 175 damage.

    Culling Blade (ultimate)

    Purges the weak from Mogul Kahn's sight. Deals moderate damage, but will kill a target that is low on life.

    Level 1 - Deals 150 damage, will kill if target is below 300. (120 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 250 damage, will kill if target is below 450. (160 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 300 damage, will kill if target is below 625. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)

    Strygwyr (Bloodseeker)

    Half demon, half orc, Strygwyr is an outcast among all forms of life. Welcomed by the Scourge, he uses his ability to control his enemies' life force to kill all that cross him.

    Strength - 18 + 2.0 (492 base hp;1404 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 24 + 2.6
    Intelligence - 18 + 1.7 (234 base mana;754 final mana)
    Base attack - 53-59 (1.37 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 5.4 (24% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.73 mana per second
    Final attack - 115-121 (0.91 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 14.2 (46% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.23 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.32 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 305


    Drives a unit into a bloodthristy rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second. Doesn't silence item spells.

    Level 1 - 20% damage increase, loses 2 HP per second. 6 seconds. (80 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 40% damage increase, loses 4 HP per second. 9 seconds. (100 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 60% damage increase, loses 6 HP per second. 12 seconds. (120 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 80% damage increase, loses 8 HP per second. 15 seconds. (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Blood Bath (passive)

    Whenever Strygwyr kills or transmutes a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source.

    Level 1 - 10% of the Hero's max hp. 5% for creeps.
    Level 2 - 20% of the Hero's max hp. 10% for creeps.
    Level 3 - 30% of the Hero's max hp. 15% for creeps.
    Level 4 - 40% of the Hero's max hp. 20% for creeps.

    Strygwyr's Thirst (passive)

    Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 50% hp. If it finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increases move speed.

    Level 1 - 11% movement increase, small area.
    Level 2 - 22% movement increase, moderate area.
    Level 3 - 33% movement increase, large area.
    Level 4 - 44% movement increase, huge area.

    Rupture (ultimate)

    Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life.

    Level 1 - 150 damage, 20% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 5 seconds. (150 mana cost;95 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 250 damage, 40% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 7 seconds. (200 mana cost;95 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 350 damage, 60% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 9 seconds. (250 mana cost;95 second cooldown)

    Abaddon (Lord of Avernus)

    A former paladin of great renown, Abaddon fell into darkness during the invasion of the Burning Legion, becoming possessed by many demons, corrupting both his soul and his powers. Now a Death Knight set high in the Lich King's hierarchy of generals, he rides into battle against impossible odds, never stopping until he reaches the World Tree itself. Whether enhancing his own fortitude with a shield of dark energy, or using his life force to aid in combat, the Lord of Avernus leads the armies of the Scourge ever onward, forever locked in combat with the forces of good, and his enemies who were once his greatest comrades.

    Strength (primary) - 23 + 2.7 (587 base hp;1803 final hp)
    Agility - 17 + 1.5
    Intelligence - 21 + 2.0 (273 base mana;897 final mana)
    Base attack - 55-65 (1.45 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 4.4 (20% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.94 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.85 mana per second
    Final attack - 119-129 (1.11 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 9.5 (36% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.86 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.77 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 300

    Death Coil

    A coil of death that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of his own life.

    Level 1 - Heals or Damages for 100 HP. Deals 50 HP to himself. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Heals or Damages for 150 HP. Deals 75 HP to himself. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Heals or Damages for 200 HP. Deals 100 HP to himself. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Heals or Damages for 250 HP. Deals 125 HP to himself. (75 mana cost;15 second cooldown)

    Aphotic Shield

    Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will deal damage equal to the amount it absorbed to an area of 300 aoe around it. If cast on self while using borrowed time, the damage you take will heal you. Removes certain types of negative buffs on cast. Lasts 20 seconds.

    Level 1 - 125 damage. (100 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 175 damage. (100 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 225 damage. (100 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 275 damage. (100 mana cost;22 second cooldown)

    Frostmourne (passive)

    Abaddon strickens an enemy with Frostmourne's chilling power on each attack, causing all units who attack the slowed enemy to gain 10% increased movement speed, along with faster attack speed, for a limited time.

    Level 1 - 10% increased attack speed, slows enemy by 5%.
    Level 2 - 20% increased attack speed, slows enemy by 10%.
    Level 3 - 30% increased attack speed, slows enemy by 15%.
    Level 4 - 40% increased attack speed, slows enemy by 20%.

    Borrowed Time (passive;activatable;ultimate)

    When activated, most negative buffs will be removed and you will no longer take damage for the duration of the ability. If the ability is not in cooldown, it will passively activate when your hitpoints drop below 400. Can be manually cast. Cannot counter Culling Blade.

    Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. (no mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. (no mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds. (no mana cost;60 second cooldown)

    Mercurial (Spectre)

    A darkness who was ancient even in the early days of the world's existence, Mercurial is the embodiment of rage and vengeance in the souls of those long dead. Sharing many similarities with ghasts and evil spirits, it haunts and stalks the living with restless fervor, unhindered by physical boundaries, and can harness the very life-energies of its dying allies into destructive force against the enemies of the Scourge, all for the glory of the Frozen Throne.

    Strength - 19 + 2.0 (511 base hp;1423 final hp)
    Agility (primary) - 23 + 2.2
    Intelligence - 16 + 1.9 (208 base mana;793 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-50 (1.38 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 3.2 (16% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.65 mana per second
    Final attack - 98-102 (0.97 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 10.7 (39% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.25 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 2.44 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Attack range - 100 (melee)
    Movement speed - 295

    Spectral Dagger

    The Spectre launches a deadly dagger that trails a Shadow Path. Deals damage to the targets in its path. Units hit by the dagger will also trail a Shadow Path. The Spectre becomes phased (gains zero collision) while on the path.

    Level 1 - Spectre gains 5% movespeed, enemies lose 5%. Deals 50 damage. (130 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Spectre gains 9% movespeed, enemies lose 9%. Deals 100 damage. (140 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Spectre gains 14% movespeed, enemies lose 14%. Deals 150 damage. (150 mana cost;45 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Spectre gains 18% movespeed, enemies lose 18%. Deals 200 damage. (160 mana cost;45 second cooldown)

    Desolate (passive)

    Deals bonus damage that cuts through armor when attacking a hero that has no nearby allied units. Works on Illusions.

    Level 1 - 15 Bonus Damage.
    Level 2 - 25 Bonus Damage.
    Level 3 - 35 Bonus Damage.
    Level 4 - 45 Bonus Damage.

    Dispersion (passive)

    Gives Mercurial a chance to avoid damage and disperse it to an area around her. Has a minor stun effect. Can only disperse for as much hp as she has. 400 AOE.

    Level 1 - 4% chance.
    Level 2 - 8% chance.
    Level 3 - 12% chance.
    Level 4 - 16% chance.

    Haunt (ultimate)

    Creates a haunting image beside each enemy hero. These images are uncontrollable, take 200% damage, deal 50% damage and each of them will attack only its pair. Cooldown goes down with level.

    Level 1 - Lasts 4 seconds. (150 mana cost;60 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Lasts 5 seconds. (150 mana cost; second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Lasts 6 seconds. (150 mana cost; second cooldown)

    Vol'Jin (Witch Doctor)

    Formerly a houngan, or voodoo priest, for the Darkspear Tribe of jungle trolls, Vol'Jin became ensnared by the Lich King while attempting to scry the dark tyrant's inner sanctums. His very soul now bound to the Frozen Throne and the being that commands it, the Witchdoctor's black glamour now works to destroy the World Tree and all who would defend it.

    Strength - 16 + 1.8 (454 base hp;1271 final hp)
    Agility - 13 + 1.4
    Intelligence (primary) - 19 + 2.9 (247 base mana;1144 final mana)
    Base attack - 51-61 (1.5 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 0.8 (4% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.73 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.77 mana per second
    Final attack - 120-130 (1.16 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.5 (24% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.02 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.53 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 1200
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305

    Paralyzing Cask

    Vol'jin launches a cask of paralyzing powder that bounces between foes, stunning those affected for a short period of time (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 75 damage per bounce to non-hero units.

    Level 1 - 2 bounces (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 4 bounces (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 6 bounces (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 8 bounces (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Voodoo Restoration

    Vol'jin focuses his voodoo magic to heal nearby allied units. Drains 10 mana/sec until deactivated.

    Level 1 - Restores 6 hp/sec. (80 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 2 - Restores 12 hp/sec. (90 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 3 - Restores 18 hp/sec. (100 initial mana cost;no cooldown)
    Level 4 - Restores 24 hp/sec. (110 initial mana cost;no cooldown)


    Targets an area with an ancient voodoo curse. Cursed heroes will not only take damage over time, but they will be dealt bonus damage every 4 seconds based on how much hp they lost since the beginning of the curse. Lasts 12 seconds

    Level 1 - Enemies lose 5 hp/sec, 10 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse. (120 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Enemies lose 10 hp/sec, 20 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse. (120 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Enemies lose 15 hp/sec, 30 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse. (120 mana cost;35 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Enemies lose 20 hp/sec, 40 bonus damage for every 100 hp lost during curse. (120 mana cost;35 second cooldown)

    Death Ward (ultimate)

    Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes.

    Level 1 - 60 Chaos Damage. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 90 Chaos Damage. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 120 Chaos Damage. Bounces once. (200 mana cost;90 second cooldown)


    Death Ward under effects of Aghanim's Scepter

    From: 60 / 90 / 120
    To: 90 / 120 / 150

    From: 0 / 0 / 1
    To: 0 / 1 / 0

    Targets hit at once
    From: 1 / 1 / 1
    To: 1 / 1 / 3

    For a total of targets hit
    From: 1 / 1 / 2
    To: 1 / 2 / 3

    Harbinger (Obsidian Destroyer)

    An obsidian construct brought to life accidentally by the Lich King's necromancers, this heartless monstrosity stays animate through devouring magic in the world around it. Therefore, it innately has great control over mana and can passively restore its own mana pool as it casts spells, restoring the mana pools of its allies in the process. Proud and intelligent, it takes great pleasure in crushing and imprisoning enemies through psionic exploitation. A dark and brooding creature, it mindlessly destroys without care, and most who attempt to combat it never see the light of day again.

    Strength - 19 + 1.85 (511 base hp;1347 final hp)
    Agility - 15 + 1.4
    Intelligence (primary) - 26 + 2.8 (338 base mana;1209 final mana)
    Base attack - 49-64 (1.48 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 1.1 (6% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.82 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 1.05 mana per second
    Final attack - 116-131 (1.15 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.8 (25% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.13 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.73 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 450 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 300

    Arcane Orb

    Gives the Destroyer extra power to damage his enemies based on his remaining mana pool.

    Level 1 - Deals 6% of your current remaining mana. Deals 100 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units. (100 mana cost;6 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals 7% of your current remaining mana. Deals 200 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units. (100 mana cost;4 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals 8% of your current remaining mana. Deals 300 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units. (100 mana cost;2 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Deals 9% of your current remaining mana. Deals 400 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units. (100 mana cost;no cooldown)

    Astral Imprisonment

    Teleports a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for the duration of the spell. If cast on an enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored to the hero after 60 seconds.

    Level 1 - Banished for 1 second. (120 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Banished for 2 second. (140 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Banished for 3 second. (160 mana cost;20 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Banished for 4 second. (180 mana cost;20 second cooldown)

    Essence Aura (passive)

    Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a chance to restore a portion of its mana pool. Passively adds to the Destroyer's base mana pool.

    Level 1 - 10% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 5% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana by 75.
    Level 2 - 20% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 10% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana by 150.
    Level 3 - 30% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 15% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana by 225.
    Level 4 - 40% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 20% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer's base mana by 300.

    Sanity's Eclipse

    The Obsidian Destroyer unleashes his full potential; his mind unleashes a psionic storm able to penetrate lesser minds with terminal force, dealing massive damage to them. More crafty minds are able to resist most of the damage, but they expend most of their energies to do so, losing 75% of their mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.

    Level 1 - Deals damage equal to 10x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence. 400 AOE. (200 mana cost;200 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Deals damage equal to 12x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence. 500 AOE. (250 mana cost;200 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Deals damage equal to 14x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer's intelligence. 600 AOE. (300 mana cost;200 second cooldown)

    Demnok Lannik (Warlock)

    Formally the chieftain of the broken Blacksun clan that fell under Mannoroth's control in days long past, Lannik has joined the Scourge in hopes of repaying his debt to the Lich King Ner'zhul, who's own Shadowmoon Clan was allied with the Blacksun many years ago. A master of demons and destructive spellwork, this warlock delights in tormenting creatures of the Light, extinguishing them like candles until none are left alive.

    Strength - 18 + 2.5 (492 base hp;1632 final hp)
    Agility - 10 + 1.0
    Intelligence (primary) - 24 + 2.7 (312 base mana;1144 final mana)
    Base attack - 46-56 (1.55 second cooldown)
    Base armor - 2.4 (12% damage reduction)
    Base hp regeneration - 0.79 hp per second
    Base mana regeneration - 0.97 mana per second
    Final attack - 110-120 (1.27 second cooldown)
    Final armor - 5.8 (25% damage reduction)
    Final hp regeneration - 2.59 hp per second
    Final mana regeneration - 3.53 mana per second
    Base attack time (BAT) - 1.7
    Projectile speed - 900
    Attack range - 600 (ranged)
    Movement speed - 305

    Fatal Bonds

    Bonds up to 5 enemy units together, causing damage dealt to any of them to be partially felt by the others.
    Lasts 25 seconds.

    Level 1 - 5% damage to linked units. (120 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - 10% damage to linked units. (120 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - 15% damage to linked units. (120 mana cost;30 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - 20% damage to linked units. (120 mana cost;30 second cooldown)

    Shadow Word

    A single word causes powerful magics to envelop the target. Creates a healing mechanism on a friendly target or damages an unfriendly one. Does not dispel on attack. Lasts 8 seconds.

    Level 1 - Heals 10 or damages 10 hit points per second. (90 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Heals 20 or damages 20 hit points per second. (110 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Heals 30 or damages 30 hit points per second. (130 mana cost;22 second cooldown)
    Level 4 - Heals 40 or damages 40 hit points per second. (150 mana cost;22 second cooldown)


    Stirs up inert magic in a target area, channeling the force into a powerful slowing current that grows more powerful with every passing second it's channeled. Can channel up to 10 seconds and up to 84% slow.

    Level 1 - Slows by 7% per second. (100 mana cost)
    Level 2 - Slows by 14% per second. (110 mana cost)
    Level 3 - Slows by 21% per second. (120 mana cost)
    Level 4 - Slows by 28% per second. (130 mana cost)


    Rain of Chaos (ultimate)

    Calls an Infernal down from the sky, dealing 100 damage and stunning nearby enemies for 1 second. The infernal lasts 45 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and a chance to Pulverize an area on attack.

    Level 1 - Summons an Infernal with weak Pulverize and average attack. (200 mana cost;130 second cooldown)
    Level 2 - Summons an Infernal with a mighty Pulverize and powerful attack. (250 mana cost;130 second cooldown)
    Level 3 - Summons an Infernal with a devastating Pulverize and deadly attack. (300 mana cost;130 second cooldown)

    This is taken directly from

    Direct Link


    Personally i would like to say this guy has done a REALLY IMPRESSIVE job. Obviously this took a lot of time and patience, and it shows determination and persistence. Members here shud emulate this type of character.

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