Bachelor Food.

Discussion in 'Must Feeeed' started by soldier, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Hidden

    Hidden New Member

    Phelps swims more hours than I sleep, and then does weight training and God knows what else.

    The only way to supply that much to eat crap.
    High metabolism + heavy training =lots of crap
    eg: One small container of Hagen Daz=1000 calories.

    YOu going to ahve to eat 18" of subway to get that...and you can't exactly swim in the pool after.

    Doh forget the coffee soldier ;)
  2. slickdre

    slickdre Member

    A pack soup does eat good, just need to boil noodles an put in the flavoring after :D

    There is even the classic mac an corned beef.....
  3. Atticus

    Atticus New Member

    Iz ah man eat cereal 3 times ah day already......normal....
  4. kayode

    kayode Active Member

    Cyar do that...need meat. Even if is tuh open a vienna sausage and eat it just so after de cereal...meat muss eat.
  5. opium

    opium New Member

    i does go in ah buffet and get charged for 2 ppl :(

    guess wah today is that day where all ah we TOO LAZY TO COOK, going for soup now

    oh scar if u still want that pic ah spoilt playing dead i go get it tomorrow about time when he have to cook
  6. Atticus

    Atticus New Member

    Buh FRY PLANTIN iz boss i eh go it come out d fryin pan- BESS!! :D
  7. Loki

    Loki New Member

    always have minced chicken breast in the fridge, ready and able to be molded to anything i want...

    usually just add some mayo, mustard and eat it with bread.

    if i feeling healthy slice some plantains and put em on the foreman grill.

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