:-Epsilon's Strength/HP Regen and Intelligence/MP Regen Guide

Discussion in 'DotA Guides and Charts' started by archvile, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. archvile

    archvile Active Member

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    HP Regen: Most heroes have a base of 0.25 hp regeneration per second. Exceptions are:
    • The morphed form of the Lycanthrope has 3 health per second but only regenerates during the night
    • The Soul Keeper regenerates 1 health per second in morphed form
    • The Soul Keeper regenerates 0.5 health per second in normal form but only regenerates during the night
    • The Shadow Fiend and Ursa Warrior regenerate 0.5 health per second.
    Strength gives 0.03 hp regeneration per second per point of strength. To calculate your final hitpoint regeneration, use the formula:

    HP regen/sec = [BHR + (STR * .03)] + (hp/sec inrease from skills and items)
    where BHR is your Base HP Regeneration.

    Mana regen: Most heroes have a base of 0.01 mana regen per second. The only exception is Goblin Techies, who have a base regen of 0.02

    Each point of intelligence adds 0.04 mana regenerated per second.

    To calculate your final mana regeneration, use the formula:
    Mana regen/sec = [BMR + (INT * .04)] * (1 + [% increase]) + BAR
    where BMR is your Base Mana Regen and BAR is your Brilliance Aura Regen (Ring of Basilius and Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura both add a set value of mana regen, i.e. 0.65 mana per second from Ring of Basilius and 0.33/0.67/1/1.33 mana per second from Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura)

    Note: (When it comes to HP regeneration and Brilliance Auras, 50% increase => .5, 100% increase => 1, 200% increase => 2, etc)

    So I did some research using the heroes portion of the website (sorry, I would have that originally but I didn't realize it had gotten so advanced in the last few months). My results:

    HP Regen: Most heroes have a base of .25 hp/sec and each point of str adds an additional .03 hp/sec (Oddly, for a given hero, if you plug this into Excel and compare it to each level on the website, the numbers don't always match up. Nothing comes as close to the website progression as .03, but even using TRUNC or ROUND, the final regen displayed by Excel will sometimes differ by .01 hp/sec).

    The equation:
    HP regen/sec = [.25 + (STR * .03)] + (hp/sec inrease from skills and items)

    Mana Regen: Most heroes have a base of .01 mp/sec. Each additional point of intelligence gives an additional .04 mp/sec. Percent regen increases work off the entire base regen. Example:

    A hero with 100 int has a mana regen rate of 4.01 mp/sec [.01 + (100 * .04)]. A void stone will double this. Two void stones will triple it. The equation:

    Mana regen/sec = [.01 + (INT * .04)] * (1 + [% increase])

    Note: (50% increase => .5, 100% increase => 1, 200% increase => 2, etc)

    Hope that helps others. It certainly helps me.


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  2. archvile

    archvile Active Member

    skidzz03's additional post to the guide

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    Each point in Str gives a set amount of health regen and extra hitpoints
    Each point in Agi gives 1% IAS and a small amount of armour
    Each point in Int gives a set amount of mana regen and extra mana

    16x + y = 454 (shandelzare base str of 16 and starting hp of 454)
    27x + y = 663 (tree base str of 27 and starting hp of 663)
    11x = 209
    x = 19
    16(19) + y = 454
    y = 150

    (i forgot the exact nubmers [​IMG])

    So to answer your question, 1 pt in str gives 19 hp, so Bracers would give you 114 extra hitpoints to work with. Also the y = 150 means that all heroes hp are calculated by str and then that number + 150 = their actual hitpoints. I forget how much regen you get for it buts its a small amount. And for the mana I'm pretty sure it looks like this...

    17x = 221 (tree base int of 17 and starting mp of 221)
    x = 13

    So every point in mana will give you 13 mana and some small mana regen. So, a Null Talisman will effective give you 78 extra mana. NOTE: 2 nulls will give you 156 mana which for STR heroes is an extra nuke/stun/whatever which will help in finishing off running heroes. Which is good for those who depend on a certain skill to kill (Like Sven and stormbolt).

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